Sunday, June 14, 2015

Starting out right

It’s so hard to believe we have been in South Korea for over a week now! From adjusting to the 14 hour time change, trying to remember 20 different names, struggling to communicate with the students because of the immense language barrier, and the outbreak of MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) which seems to have placed the entire nation in a state of panic- this week has been a week full of trials of many kinds. However, the laughter shared and the countless games played with the students make all of these “trials” seem so insignificant. We are so blessed to be able to build relationships with the special students and hope that through the formation of these friendships the students will see the never ending love of Christ!
We are so excited to keep you up to date on our happenings in South Korea and are excited to share all of the amazing works of the Holy Spirit to come this summer!!
