Team Leader: Aryn
- Senior at the University of Mississippi, studying to be an audiologist
- Has a hard time leading us hooligans
- It has taken her a full 168 hours to learn 1-10 in Korean and Chinese
Team Members
- Will be attending Union University this fall, majoring in Social Work
- Is having the time of her life playing charades all day! (language barrier)
- STILL does not know 1-10 in Korean…
- Senior at University of North Alabama, studying Recreation Management (YAY sports!!)
- Because of her VAST knowledge of the Chinese language and literature she knows 1-100 in Chinese!!! Sadly, she STILL cannot say hello in Korean (please pray for her)
Rebeca “BEX”
- Junior at the University of Delaware, studying International Relations with a minor in Islamic Studies
- She spends most of her day making fun of her teammates Southern accents
- Is honored to have had the title of "Coolest Member of the Team" bestowed upon her!