It is beautiful to see the student’s interest in the study
and to hear the scriptures read in both English and Khmer. The students are
hungry for love and fellowship with Christ and did not want to end our time
when we concluded the study, asking us to spend more time with them doing “whatever”
we had planned for the afternoon. This Sunday we are planning on having the
bible study again and following that up with visiting a local church with any
interested students. We have been able to invite more students to the bible
study this week, and many have agreed with much enthusiasm!
Please pray for us in
adding this new ministry that we would continue with increased energy and
passion for sharing the word of God with these students!
Please also pray that we would lead them into an independent faith, in which they
do not become dependent on western culture or western leaders to continue and
grow in their faith.
Please pray for continued divine opportunities to have conversations with students about the gospel and their decision to count the cost and follow Christ. Several are very close to committing their lives!
Pray that God would alleviate the students’ fears about suffering and persecution (rejection from their families) if they choose to follow Christ. As we study 1 Peter, pray that they would grasp a deep understanding of the greater importance of a relationship with Christ than the avoidance of pain in this life.
Please pray for continued divine opportunities to have conversations with students about the gospel and their decision to count the cost and follow Christ. Several are very close to committing their lives!
Pray that God would alleviate the students’ fears about suffering and persecution (rejection from their families) if they choose to follow Christ. As we study 1 Peter, pray that they would grasp a deep understanding of the greater importance of a relationship with Christ than the avoidance of pain in this life.
1 Peter 1: 6-7 – In this
you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer
grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater
worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved