Friday, June 23, 2017

Great Commission English Center: First few days

Some things we have been doing the last 12 days...

  • First of all, we made it safe and sound (June 8th) without any problems to our destination and we were greeted with a friend singing Happy Birthday because Jessica's birthday was the 5th of June and Emily's was the 6th. That was fun!
  • So far jet lag has not been bad and we have been getting good sleep.
  • The next day, we had a game night at the guesthouse we're staying in. We were able to make friends and have a few good conversations about Jesus Christ. Oh, also before that, we went on a City Tour to walk around the city and see some sites. That was interesting and fun! 
  • Monday we had Sports Day where we played volleyball and soccer with some of the English Center members. 
  • Almost everyday we've been going out with the friends we've made to dinner to spend time with them and get into talking about our testimonies. 
  • Monday and Wednesday we went and visited with younger girls at a Freedom House. They didn't know a lot of English so we colored with them and played music videos for them which they loved. There are three girls that live there. 
  • On Tuesday and Thursday we went to the English Center to hang out with college students and get to know them. They pretty much all love playing Spicy Uno! There are about 30-40 members.
  • Wednesday evening we all got together and got a group picture professionally taken. Such a blast seeing everyone together in one place.
  • This past weekend we girls and two other volunteers at the English center went with S to a beach and to snorkel.  We had a national guide to take us to different spots to snorkel and different islands to look around and take pictures. What a weekend!

I can't believe we've been here for almost 2 weeks already and a lot has happened!! There will be more to come and more consistent blog posts.
