Our days have consisted of teaching various Bible studies, social work, and exercise classes with the students at the local ministry. On Wednesday and Friday nights we do outreach in the red light district, and it's been hard to see a lot of the hurt that goes on there. We've formed relationships with some of the dancers there and have gotten to visit them more than once! We hope to pay their bar fine one night and go bowling, hopefully offering a better atmosphere for Gospel conversations and inviting them out of their current lifestyle.
We are also teaching English in massage parlors in the gay red light district on Wednesday nights. Tuesday and Thursday afternoons we're helping another ministry teach English to kids. We have made many friends around the city and have plans to hangout with two Buddhist friends on Saturday.
Pray that relationships that we've made continue to grow and that they will be receptive to Jesus and pray for all of the ladyboys in the bars that we meet!
-Urban Rescuers