Salaam Alaikum from West Africa!
If there is one thing I have learned about the culture here it is that the people love peace. While learning language, we have been told if we don't know what to say, say "Jamm Rekk," or "Peace Only." Seriously. That is the answer to literally everything. How is work? Peace only. How did you sleep? Jamm Rekk.
So much talk of peace has been a shocking reminder to me that we can talk about peace all day, but cannot know true peace without God. Here I am, in a country full of people who don't know Jesus but want peace. And what do they say when you try and tell them about the one and only peace? Jamm Rekk.
It is a paradox that has frustrated our team beyond explanation, but also reminds us of why we are here. We have the answer to their search for peace. God never said "convince." He said "go" and "tell." So that is what we do.
Please pray that the Muslims of West Africa will come to know Jesus and the peace that only He can bring.
Pray that our team will find joy in the obedience of telling, and not grow weary when people reject truth.
I have said these things to you so that I'm me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart: I have overcome the world. -John 16:33
Jamm Rekk,
If there is one thing I have learned about the culture here it is that the people love peace. While learning language, we have been told if we don't know what to say, say "Jamm Rekk," or "Peace Only." Seriously. That is the answer to literally everything. How is work? Peace only. How did you sleep? Jamm Rekk.
So much talk of peace has been a shocking reminder to me that we can talk about peace all day, but cannot know true peace without God. Here I am, in a country full of people who don't know Jesus but want peace. And what do they say when you try and tell them about the one and only peace? Jamm Rekk.
It is a paradox that has frustrated our team beyond explanation, but also reminds us of why we are here. We have the answer to their search for peace. God never said "convince." He said "go" and "tell." So that is what we do.
Please pray that the Muslims of West Africa will come to know Jesus and the peace that only He can bring.
Pray that our team will find joy in the obedience of telling, and not grow weary when people reject truth.
I have said these things to you so that I'm me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart: I have overcome the world. -John 16:33
Jamm Rekk,