The past few weeks for our team have been filled with lots of opportunities to share, grow relationships, and explore different parts of our country. This past week, our team went different ways to discover new areas that need the Good News of Isa.
Jeremy, Jenna, and I (Victoria) had the opportunity to travel to an island off the coast of our city to share the Good News with a few national believers who were to translate for us. This island only has 10 believers, the rest are Muslim, many of whom have never heard the story of Jesus. When we arrived, we were faced with many different barriers that prevented us from sharing the Gospel. We quickly learned that the spiritual soil on this island was extremely tough. It would be like trying to plant a flower seed in a pile of rocks.
As a tourist on the island, we had the chance to ride motor bikes across the whole island. At first, I was frustrated. Why we were driving from waterfall to waterfall when there were thousands of people who had never heard of the story of God's Grace? God began to teach me the truth of the following quote: "Prayer does not enable us to do a greater work for God, prayer IS a greater work for God." (Oswald Chambers) Driving across the whole island gave us a chance to pray for the people who had never heard. To pray for bold witnesses to come and share with the people who have never heard. To pray that God will soften the hearts of the people. To pray that every evil stronghold on the Island would be broken, so that the Gospel could be spread. It was humbling reminder that God is in control over every moment. Even in our frustrations, He is working through us for the betterment of His Kingdom.
Through out our five days there, we were able to share with five people. Two of which we left a translation of the Bible in there native language. Termia Kasih Tuhan (praise the Lord), that these people were able to hear the good news.
Pray that God would grow those seeds that were planted.
Pray that He would soften the soil on these island and send bold witnesses there to share the Gospel.
Thank you so much for praying for my team and I as we continue to follow Christ further into this world.