Sunday, July 7, 2024

A Flood of Obedience

There is no success without sacrifice. If you succeed without sacrifice, it is because someone has suffered before you. If you sacrifice without success, it is because someone will succeed after. -Adoniram Judson

My team and I are about halfway through our mission trip now. With all of the ups and downs we have experienced, I am so blessed to have Lucas and Annsleigh standing next to me. They have taught me so much about faith and
It’s so easy to see God’s hand during our trip because of all of the beauty we are surrounded by. Even the gas stations have the most jaw dropping views!
We’ve spent this week in so much fellowship! Getting to know the church body here at Malama Christian Fellowship has been the biggest blessing. They are some of the most generous people I have met. They have loved us like family!
God is teaching me so much about letting go of all of the little things to make His plans priority in my life. I look into my future and I see so many possibilities, it’s paralyzing. When I sit and think of all of the things that I could do with my life, I begin to lose sight of what God has commanded me to do. I don’t need a map for my life, I need a compass that is fixed on God. Our maps look different in each season of life, but our compass will show us if we are headed in the right direction.
John Piper says, “You don’t have to know a lot of things for your life to make a lasting difference in the world. But you do have to know the few great things that matter, and then be willing to live for them and die for them.”
With the help of our good friend Cyril, we have officially reached about 40 people with intentional Gospel conversations now!! I have the names of each of those people so we can continue to pray over them (please DM me if you’d like this list).
Every single life holds so much significance in God’s eyes. My friend Cyril has taught me to not neglect a single person that crosses our paths. We cannot pick and choose who gets to hear the Good News. During our times of evangelism, he has shown an incredible amount of boldness through his faith in Jesus. He has taught me that regardless of how you share the Gospel, it’s takes the same step in obedience to do so. Obtaining this obedience is a daily denial of your flesh and desires. It’s rooted in Bible intake and prayer.

Please pray that our team is flooded with the obedience to continue reaching the people in this area.

Hawaiian Church Ministry Team