Monday, July 8, 2024

Heading to debrief

On June 26th, we began our travel back to the US. After roughly 48 hours, we arrived back in Mentone, AL. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t looking forward to debrief. Training had been hard for me on the front end, and I was really ready to just go home. 

But the Lord moved mightily during those last couple days. Our team joined back up with the other 100+ students who went out through Nehemiah Teams to various locations in the Asia Pacific Rim. Together, we shared the stories of what God had done, worshipped, and many people committed their lives to going long-term overseas if the Lord wills. Many more committed to sending, praying, mobilizing, welcoming internationals, and simply living differently as a result of what God has done in our hearts and in the countries we visited this summer.

Pray for the students who have returned home after serving these past 6 weeks. 
Pray for opportunities for students to share what God has done IN and THROUGH them this summer.

Philippine Agriculture Team