Friday, July 5, 2024

Leave God's Children Alone

Our town is a hotspot for human trafficking. Malama Christian Fellowship displays so much boldness on Sundays through their sign waving. They line the streets demanding that the human traffickers leave God’s children alone. It’s heartbreaking to hear about all that has happened. However, it is so encouraging to know there is a church that loves their community so much and is willing to do something about it!

This trip has genuinely taught me that only Jesus satisfies. Nothing that this world could ever offer will sustain your life the way Jesus does. I am surrounded by the most beautiful views and there is still brokenness all around. Children with hungry bellies, families with no home, and a shared feeling of emptiness. So many times we put our value in our works, our relationships,
and ourself. When in reality our sin pushes us so far away from any redemption. But God loves us so much. We have absolute reassurance through His sacrificial love.
It’s been so beautiful to share that truth with others.

Please continue to pray that more opportunities come our way and that we take the necessary step in boldness to speak Jesus into their hearts.

Hawaiian Church Ministry