Monday, July 8, 2024

Summing up the Summer: Ethan

What an absolute blessing it was from the Lord for me to be able to serve with Nehemiah Teams this summer. My family has been working with Nehemiah Teams since I was 6 years old, and the 14 years since then I’ve said, “I’m gonna go one day.” I never would I have dreamed this is how it would turn out. 

Our team saw salvations, baptisms, and so many gospel seeds planted. God is faithful and He would’ve still been faithful had none of these things happened. Over this summer, God has shown me the true lostness of the world. You hear about it, but it’s very different when you see it. God has called me to go, make His name known, and I will never stop, until I die or until He comes back for me. 

As believers we wait for this call from the Lord, but it’s already happened. There are many calls from God. When I read Matthew 28:18-20, I can’t see how that isn’t the call. What about Revelation 7:9? And our response should be Isaiah 6:8. The call is all over the Bible but many choose to overlook it. 

We are called to share the gospel to all nations, all peoples. Peoples here at home and those overseas. There is no exception. This is an encouragement to all believers. Let’s live everyday for God. Die to ourselves. And like the great missionary C.T. Studd once said, “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”

Philippine Summer Team