Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Daily Needs Provided

This past Sunday, we visited a church that reminded us of God’s presence in this country. We stayed for two services and experienced some great things at both. We were fed an amazing lunch and were sent home with dinner and some chocolates, but that is not even close to the best part. 

At the second service, one of the worship leaders told the story about how, after the first service, someone felt compelled to buy her groceries and lunch. She spoke about how she was currently living month to month selling recyclables to make ends meet. According to our translator, it was the “nicest grocery store” she had ever been to. She is totally on fire for the Lord. We prayed for her and got a picture with her! 

Please pray for our friend... that she will continue to walk in obedience to the Lord & that He will continue to meet her needs.

Project 1:11