Saturday, July 6, 2024

Daily opportunities to share

Hayden and I recently visited two more churches. At the first one, he helped with worship and I preached. At the 2nd one, we filled similar roles but also shared our testimonies.

We visited the homes of two loving Christian households. They mentioned some lost people in their lives, and we encouraged them to continue to pursue discipleship. We know that through prayer and obedience, nothing is impossible with God and the Holy Spirit will eventually convict those souls back to Him!

Our main context in our ministry is beginning to show fruit as well. We have recently been given some more specific goals in the community which is an answered prayer. We have had a few chances to share the Gospel with children and hope to meet the rest of those families in the near future. The kids are truly so much fun to be around daily.

Pray for the continued growth of all the churches that we have visited.
Pray for the lost souls of the families we met recently.

1:11 Project