Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Prayers moving forward

As I begin to think and pray about the year of being a “missionary to the campuses” ahead of me, I ask that you will continue to join me in prayer. 
  • Pray that I wouldn’t forget the sweet work I saw God do in and through me & my team this summer, but that I would hold on to the lessons He’s taught me. 
  • Pray I would continue to believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to move & work through me, and to move and work in others to bring people from death to life. 
  • Pray for open doors & opportunities to foster gospel friendships on the campus I will be personally working to engage.
  • Pray that I would be a more effective mobilizer of college students & a more effective welcomer of international students as a result of my experiences this summer. 
  • Pray that people in our college ministry would be discipled well to have a heart for the nations and that our college ministry would not be about us but would be about God’s glory to the ends of the earth. 
  • Please also continue to pray for the people & ministries we encountered in the Philippines, that God would continue to strengthen these ministries and change the culture of the Philippines from one of spiritual confusion and lostness to one of abundant life in Christ.

With great joy,
Philippine Agriculture Team