Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Mabuti ang Dios! (God is Good!)

Today we left our first site and we will not return to Apuao. It was one of the hardest things to do. To walk away (or float away on a boat in my case), knowing that there is still work to be done. While on the boat, I found comfort in knowing that God is greater than us. He will stay and work on the island. He isn't leaving and He is still working. His task will be complete, we were just there for a little while. Later this week my team and I will head to a new village. 

The past two weeks have been so amazing... to see how God is working in the village. In our morning Bible study we were in a community area where many different families came to hear the stories we taught each day from the Bible. They have started to open up to us, as time goes on. They have shared their struggles and praise to the Lord. 

In August they may not be able to go and fish (their only source of income) because the waves may be too big. If this happens they won't eat, they could starve. Even though this is the reality of their lives, they are the most compassionate, loving, and generous people I have ever met. They have the most genuine community, making sure that everyone has eaten. Even when they don't have much they share! Everyone gets a portion, no matter how small. 

We were sad to leave them, but again their generosity amazed me. They made us lunch, a soup of coconut milk, banana, and root crops... so masarap (delicious)! 

Many of the people in this community have accepted Christ, and we have seen true heart change. Every Bible study we would ask them if they have any prayer requests. One morning a man spoke up and said "I want to pray for the people around the world who have not heard the Good News that you have shared with us, and for people to go to them as people have come to us." The Lord is working in this village, wow. They are so eager to learn more about Jesus. 


Please pray for our team as we deal with all the emotions of leaving the island, and for the Lord to continue to move in the village.
Pray that my team and I will get so much needed rest over the next few days!