Friday, November 17, 2023

What's Real?

Is this reality?
Maybe his little eyes will open and his chest will rise and fall in rhythm.
She said, “He is only sleeping.”
I prayed to see a miracle.
Believe his four days had meaning.
Believe God’s goodness.
Believe God brings life from death.
Believe God holds this baby boy in His arms like his mother did and weeps.
Believe the sacrifice of Jesus’ life will right all wrongs.
Believe God is close to the brokenhearted.
Believe Jesus’ life has “swallowed up [death] in victory”.
Yes, the death my sin brings is reality, but even truer are the nail pierced hands of the Risen King!
How, she asks. How, they ask. How, I ask.
Only by grace through faith can I believe.

God has shown me that the brokenness & sorrow I felt from the physical death of the baby boy should be what I feel for all those who are spiritually dead and without Jesus. He also spoke to me to remember that we don’t mourn as the world does, we have hope (1 Thes. 4:13-18). My tangible hope, my Savior and Redeemer, must be made known and proclaimed!

We visited the mom and her family again. I asked her if she wanted to read a couple verses during our Bible study. She replied, “My husband has not allowed me to read the Bible yet.” 

Why not?” I wanted to ask, but felt like I couldn’t or shouldn’t.

Will God use what the enemy meant for evil for good to free this woman, her family and many more from the chains and barriers to receive assurance of salvation and relationship with God? I believe so!

NT365 Gap Year Participant