Sunday, June 29, 2014

A New People Group

God is doing some amazing things! Last week, the team was doing outreach in an apartment complex. Through this outreach, we met a woman and her three small children. They arrived in the USA about a month ago. The mother was very overwhelmed with American life and really needed a friend. The next day, we met a father and son from the same country who had been in the USA for about a year. Wednesday, we met three more families... from the same country... who had been here anywhere from eight days to ten months. Before too long, we were connected with this group of 50-75 people, all from the same country, most from the same city. How were we to help these people?

The Community Outreach Director set up a meeting with these people for Friday to explore their needs. They need ESL for children and adults, jobs, childcare services, English practice, schooling, business launching advice, and so much more. We are now exploring ways to reach out to them. All of the needs are legitimate; however, we know that their spiritual needs are of utmost importance. We want to share the Gospel with these people who do not know about Jesus.

One of the things that surprised me the most about the night was how open and welcoming the women were. From the moment I arrived, I was not playing with the children, but visiting with the mothers. The women do not know much English, so most of the time I was listening to the native tongue (occasionally, one of the women would translate for me). However, it also saddened me to realize that a language barrier could potentially be a barrier to sharing the Gospel with them. I am very excited to begin learning about their culture and to help with their needs for holistic change in their lives.

Please pray...
That language would not be a barrier when opportunities open up to share the Gospel
For wisdom to help meet their needs
For the beginnings of new friendships
For local Christians to volunteer with meeting some of the needs of these families (because we know that we will not be here for the long term)