Saturday, June 28, 2014

Village M

I am so selfish. I dream, in some aspect, of having the "American Dream." I dream of having the "fairytale life" and of "happily ever after" when those across the world are walking miles to find water, living off of a portion of food that would only last us a couple of days in the US, and living in concrete houses with thatch roofs that would be the equivalent to my dorm room at school. They are literally fighting for survival while I am living with plenty.

Village M is exactly what I mean when I speak of "those people." They used to live in the streets, until they were graciously given plots of land for homes. They struggle daily and on some, you can see their bones clearly from underneath their dark skin. Even the Pastor we traveled with, Pastor W, wonders how they stay alive off of the little food they are given. We arrived, not knowing what to expect from this place. We were told what to expect, but the reality still was more than I could imagine. Culture shock. 100% Culture Shock. 

All those people I had always heard about and seen commercials for on TV, they were real. But you know what is cool? The Lord loves them just the same as He does me. He is just as crazy about them as He was about Moses and Abraham. He protects them everyday from the harm that the devil tries to throw at them. Through the lack of water, food, the dangers of animals, and the high crime rate, HE PROTECTS THEM! He loves them. 

They have even begun to pick up trades like sewing and sell eggs for income. The ministry team from a local church goes in each week and loves on these people. They have a worship service each week. They teach them about Jesus Christ. The Christ who loves them, protects them, died for them. The Christ who can give them so much more than food and water. These people love like no one else. They welcomed us in like we belonged there. I immediately fell in love with these people. They were joyful and did not complain about what they had and what they didn't. They worked hard for what they had and the people of the church worked hard to give them what they need. What am I doing for them? God give me a love for these people and a boldness to tell them about who you are. Use me with them. Help me to love them and want to get to know them. Build in me a Kingdom Passion!

I am so thankful for the time that we get to spend serving these people. Every one of them! It can become discouraging at times for all of the team, but we have to remember that God is our encouragement! 
