Saturday, December 30, 2023

Opportunities & Strongholds

It’s been a little over a week in our new location and I can already tell... leaving will be hard. We’ve met so many young girls our age and gotten to know and connect with almost each and every one. We’ve heard their stories and learned more about their beliefs. We're thankful that God has opened doors for us to share ours too. 

This place has been like no other place I’ve been to. The strongholds the devil has on the people here are heartbreaking. Thankfully, God has provided opportunities to share and has opened some of the hearts and
minds to want to know more. I continue to pray that that doesn't cease even after we leave. 

NT365 Gap Year participant
Asia Pacific Rim

What I've Learned this Month: Shealee

The biggest lesson from this last month, is just how many opportunities there are for ministry in our day to day lives. It’s an endless opportunity. Just about any hobby, interest, skill, business, or activity can be used for God's glory. I have learned to loosen up and have fun, try new things, and enjoy the company while trying to be intentional with the people around me. 

I have also learned how to tell when I myself need to step back and recharge, so that when I am with people I can be fully present. 

Since in our new country this month, the biggest challenge we faced was the strongholds of the main religions. Many people were open to listen to us, and many had never heard what we had to say. We learned lots about their culture and beliefs as well as being able to share ours. 

For me personally, I also struggled with doing my daily quiet time in the morning. Many times I did it in the afternoon or evening instead, but I have come to learn that doing my quiet time in the morning makes a huge difference in my day. Starting the day off right by getting into God's word, especially when paired with a beautiful sunrise, is the best thing I can be doing for myself spiritually. I encourage y’all to try it for yourselves. 

This last month I have also learned more about our team members, their strengths and weaknesses as well as who they are as people in general. I have been continually inspired by their vulnerability and sensitivity to how God is leading them.

NT365 Gap Year Participant
Asia Pacific Rim

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Jesus is our Hope

As I reflect on the past month I am recognizing yet again that the world has such need for our Savior. The people here need him so desperately. As we sit & talk with people, we often hear stories filled with sadness, loss, and brokenness. There is a fire in my heart for each of them to have the joy of understanding that Jesus is our hope. For them to know that with Christ the pain is temporary. The brokenness will soon be restored. But these things are ONLY through Christ. Christ is the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through him. It is heartbreaking to see so many slaves for what Jesus has already won for us. We are set free and our hope is only in him. 

We entered into a home where there was a sweet old lady suffering in so much pain. I think there were many sources of her pain but I couldn’t help but see the massive infection in her foot. They have no doctor for her. Her pain has no relief. As we had Bible study with her daughters I could only focus on her as she kept crying out with tears running down her face. 

This reminded me of the longing each of us have for suffering to cease. I couldn’t help but grieve the reality that this day will never come for those who do not know Christ. Eternal punishment, eternal separation, eternal thirst and fire with no relief. These people need hope, they need the assurance that Jesus will come to wipe every tear from their eyes. They need joy in the fact that Jesus Christ has suffered so that we do not have to. They desperately need Jesus. 

It has been hard to share with many people and know that when we leave there will be barely anyone else to tell them. The few Christian churches that exist on this island are unstable and pastors are not well equipped. The Believers need a shepherd, they need someone to show the way. Each of our group found one believer and began to disciple them. We gave them bibles and taught them as much as we could in the short time we had with them. As our time comes to leave, we trust that God will continue to work in their lives. 

We pray for them with expectant hearts. 

We pray also for people who are lovers of Christ to uproot their lives so that they may live among these people, providing discipleship, evangelism, and fellowship. 

We must ask the Lord if the harvest to send workers. The Lord was at work in many ways over this month and I know his work is far beyond what we can see.

NT365 Gap Year Participant

No Matter What Comes... GO!

While on our one month deployment on the island, my biggest challenge has been being flexible and trusting God with whatever comes my way. Back home, life is more on my terms, at my pace and doing things I think are best. The two words “my” and “I” are difficult to turn down. Some of this is subconscious and some is not. 

An example of this struggle was on the first week when I wasn’t excited and felt tired of going out when I thought “people just keep giving the same answer plus good works”. Of course I still had to go and didn’t want to feel this way. 

Amazingly, like God always does, He changed my heart attitude, and gave me strength to share the gospel as I stepped out in obedience. I know renewing my mind in the truth about who God is and recounting His faithfulness is vital to spiritual warfare & growth. God helped me through these times of apathy by reminding me of the joy of my salvation. The gospel is a gift I can’t keep to myself, no matter how I feel or what warfare comes my way. “For the battle is not [mine], but God’s.” (2 Ch 20:15)

NT365 Gap Year Participant
Holly with her team mates

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

His Love for Me

David & Will
A slave I was, my master Sin —
Eternal death its wages be.
In bliss of ignorance I lived,
Not knowing hell awaited me.

The Lord, He knew me and my fate —
No man can pay my ransom fee.
He saw me in my wretched state;
He loved and gave His Son for me.

A fairer Judge has never been —
No bribe can ever void my fine.
An eye for eye, a tooth for tooth,
A life for life, His life for mine.

Into the world my King did come,
To live the life I should have lived
And die the death I would have died.
'Twas by His grace Life I received.

Three days He lay inside a tomb.
Three days Sin crowed its victory.
The third day Christ arose and claimed
The win for all eternity.

A slave no more, I've been redeemed.
My price is paid; I'm free from Sin.
My God I love. My Lord I serve.
His Life shines out from me within.

NT365 Gap Year participant

Christmas... it's not about me

As we got closer and closer to Christmas, it’s been weird. It didn’t feel like Christmas here. It’s still 80+ degrees, little to no decorations, no hot chocolate, no Christmas movies, my family’s 9,000 miles away, no Christmas music, no present shopping, and did I mention... it’s hot here? 

A couple of days ago, if you talked to me about Christmas, I would just have avoided it. I wanted nothing to do with it because it just made me sad that I wasn’t going to be home. But the meaning of Christmas, as we all know, is about Jesus’s birth. It’s about how He came to give us love, hope and joy. No matter what’s going on in your year or life, that message always stays the same. I’ve grown up knowing this but being stripped of the Christmas traditions and things that also remind me of Christmas have just made me remember it more. 

Christmas isn’t about all those things I listed. It’s about Jesus. His life started for us. It started and it ended like ours does. But without Jesus, ours would have ended, and we wouldn’t have  the chance to go to heaven. Yet, because of Jesus, we do! I came here to share that chance with the people around me. To share with others that love, hope, and joy that I have in Jesus. 

So, even though my Christmas is looking a lot different this year... and it still makes me sad at times... this trip isn’t about me. If it was, I would probably be home right now for the holidays. But it’s about sharing the love of Jesus and what He’s done for us. I am honored that I get to share the true meaning of Christmas with the people i've met. I hope the true meaning of Christmas is still in your heart. 

Merry Christmas!
NT365 Gap Year participant

Monday, December 4, 2023

A Life Lived in True Obedience: Tatum

Leading youth mobilization event
I don’t think I realized how radically different my life would be when I surrendered a year of comfort to the Lord. When all distractions from back home were gone, the Lord opened my eyes. My days were wholly devoted to Him and He moved. He moved my heart. I spent intentional time with my Heavenly Father, being still and being active in sharing the gospel. He gave me a joy for missions. His love became my love and more of His heart was revealed to me. I had my own plans and my plans made me anxious. The Lord has given me peace and excitement for the seasons to come because He will be there. 

I will continue missions wherever the Lord places me. I desire to train these feet of mine to run with the lost in mind. To be urgent and to be love as Jesus is love. 

I wanted to take a year and realign my heart and mind, allowing myself to be humble before God who would be the only one on the throne of my life. I don’t only want to give Him a year. I want to give Him every year that I am able on this side of heaven. A life lived in true obedience to the call that He has given each and every person who follows Him. “Go tell the world about Me”

AOT International participant

Sunday, December 3, 2023

I Can't Wait: Brielle

This chapter is officially over! We have had our highs and lows but we have also learned so much. God has shown His great love in many different ways. Our time in AOT has truly given me peace about continuing in missions and has truly opened my eyes to the need for missionaries.

God has revealed to me ways that I could go into the mission field. He has put a heavy burden on my heart to GO! God calls us all to missions whether that’s at home or overseas. He calls us to step out of our comfort zones and to bring glory to Him in all that we do. God has worked on me through each and every one of the leaders we have had and through their faithfulness to God and their selfless sacrifices to us.

I truly can’t wait to see where God takes us and what God does next with each of us. I can’t wait to see what God reveals to us about who we are and where we are called to serve. God gave us the command to go and tell the world about Him. I am thankful that I can follow His command wherever I may end up and that He has been with me in all that I have done. I am thankful that He calls me and that He knows me by name. Lastly I am thankful that He died for me on the rugged tree.

NT365 participant

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Burden for the Lost: Will

I have learned and grown so much during AOT. The lessons progressively went through core scriptural truths. I have greatly enjoyed the valuable fellowship with peers who are actively pursuing Christ. Because of this fellowship and study, I have grown in my relationship with God. Our study of God’s Word has given me a burden for the lost. 

I regret how I have been unfaithful in soul winning and I pray that God would give me boldness in sharing His love. Please pray that God would use the NT AOT students for His glory.

NT365 participant

Friday, December 1, 2023

What I've Learned: Kaesi

During my time at AOT, I have learned so much about sharing the gospel and studying the Bible. God has shown me who He is, and how to listen to Him. I’ve learned how to seek Him, and how to hear Him, through His word, or even through people around me. 

Outside of classes, I’ve also learned a lot. There have been a lot of ups and downs. I’ve learned to be slow to anger, and to be kind even when people aren’t kind back. I’ve also learned that I don’t have to fight battles alone. God is always there, and all I have to do is pray and He will answer. I have also been shown that I need to have fellowship and be united with fellow siblings in Christ. Without unity and love for fellow Christians, how can we show love to people we are sharing the gospel with? 

Before all of this, I had planned on being a teacher and staying in Tennessee my whole life. I’ve always been fairly shy around people, so I never would’ve thought I could fly across the world with 13 strangers, live with them and share the gospel to other strangers with them. But after being here with them, I wouldn’t imagine doing anything else. 

There may be some rough points, but I have learned so much from these people, and have learned to love every one of them. After learning all that I have from AOT, my path for the future has changed so much. I am going to listen to what the Lord has planned for me. I will continue to share His word and teach others to do the same.

NT365 participant

Thursday, November 30, 2023

God's Heart--My Heart: Shealee

God has revealed so much during such a short time in AOT. Through classes, weekend ministry and time of fellowship I have seen God’s heart, His power and His love. God has shown me His heart and desire for the lost people in the world. Not only showing it, but giving me a heart for the nations and lost in this world as well.

Going forward, I plan to continue sharing the gospel with a deepened love and urgency. This will forever affect my life decisions as I pray to God for direction upon returning home. I know I won’t be content going back to life as before but will be more intentional with sharing God’s love. At the bare minimum, that means I will be sharing the Gospel to people I meet and finding people to help disciple as well as someone who will continue discipling me. I’m also considering full-time ministry. Even though it’s not always the easiest, it’s very rewarding to see God working and to be used by God to love on and help bring broken and lost people to Him.

Then He said to them all, ‘If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of me will save it.' 
 -Luke 9:23-24

NT365 participant

Trust & Obey: David

AOT was the beginning of a new life for me. The past I've squandered in fruitless living. Inspired by the change visible in my older brother Samuel through the Nehemiah Teams program, I signed up for the same. I have not regretted it. 

Jadon, David & Will
In Advanced Operations Training, I was able to experience a closer walk with God. My prayer life improved as my faith grew through conscious reading of the Word. Classes armed me with knowledge for the field. Best of all, the many opportunities to reach out to communities opened my eyes to the need of the people around me and my heart to love them. Serving in the ministry let me see the Spirit at work. The entire AOT experience taught me to trust and obey. Trust in the Lord's guidance for the next step in life, no matter how small and unimportant it seems. Boldly take that next step in obedience. 

I pray for strength to continue this walk, for alertness to never take my eyes off Jesus, and for humility to remember He's still there to take hold of me when I do. AOT has ended; I have graduated; but I have yet a way to go with the Lord of my life.

NT365 participant

Monday, November 27, 2023

Solitude & Resting: Brooke

During AOT the Lord taught me the importance of solitude and resting in His presence. I often take on tasks and obligations with urgency and impatience. Being here, I have been stripped of most technology and common distractions from home. I’ve been able to make way and time for reading His word and speaking with Him. 

It’s amazing how much my patience has grown and the answers to prayers that I’ve noticed. 
It’s painful and heartbreaking to realize how much of my life was wasted not setting aside time for Him. 

I was living in defeat when victory was so near. I’m so thankful for the structure and discipline that AOT has given me. It’s very easy to set goals and have desires, but actually diving in and experiencing giving up strongholds assures me that I can implement this kind of structure in life outside of AOT. I can’t wait to see the Lord give purpose to my time in the future. -

NT365 participant

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Joy & Sadness: Loren

AOT (Advance Operation Training) is officially over. There is joy and sadness in leaving this stage but more excitement in what’s coming up next. For all of us. During AOT God has really shown me a lot. We learned about grief and to not be mad/angry and to not ask God “Why?” or “Why me?” but to ask “What?” “What are you going to use this for?”. 

It’s so easy to get mad at God for taking a loved one but I had the peace of them going to heaven. I know I’ll see them again and even if me and God disagree on it. I do know that I wouldn’t want to follow a God I fully understand because then He wouldn’t be God. Some people don’t have that peace I have. Losing a loved one with all those extra questions on death I’m sure hurts more without that comfort but I don’t want to find out. 

I really want people and all generations to understand the urgency of sharing the gospel to all nations. Even if you can’t go, you can send. You can use the power of prayer. God sent His son for every tribe, nation, and tongue. We can’t keep his love a secret.

NT365 participant

He's been working on my heart: Maggie

I knew AOT would be an incredible opportunity, but never did I picture it would be this life changing. Over the span of those 80 days... 
God has opened my eyes to the lostness in this world. 
He has revealed His character.
He has humbled me to the point that my only option was to fully rely on Him.
He has changed my perspective.
He has reshaped my wants & desires in life, and so much more.
God has exceeded my expectations once again and left me sitting in awe of who He is. 

Before leaving I had so many people warn me of culture shock, homesickness, doubts, attacks from the devil, physical sickness, etc., but no one warns you of the conviction of the Holy Spirit.  He has also shown me the danger of living a comfortable lifestyle. 

Being able to participate in AOT has taken away the comforts of home & distractions of this world and given God a clear path to fill that hole with His Word and will for my life. I know this is only the beginning and God will continue to move this year and show me that my life is nothing without Him. He has been working on my heart since day one and will continue to work on me for the rest of my life, and as uncomfortable as that may be, I am beyond grateful.  

Psalm 62:1 “For God alone, my soul waits in silence; from Him comes my salvation. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.”

NT365 participant

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Strategic in Prayer

Satan is strategic. He doesn’t just throw out random temptations at random people. He knows people’s family history, backgrounds, weaknesses, and strongholds. He does not use all of the same strategies in the Philippines as he does in America. Although we should be aware of this, we should not be alarmed. God has shown me that if Satan is going to be strategic in temptations, we must be strategic in prayer. Specific prayers for specific people in bondage to specific sin. Satan does not take vacation, therefore we cannot take a “vacation from Christianity.” Prayer and proclaiming the good news MUST be a constant. 

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Our comforts are insignificant

One of the biggest challenges we faced this week was overcoming the mindset that good work is what saves you. Many thought to get to heaven you had to follow all of God's rules. Hoping He overlooked smaller sins, letting them be outweighed by the good works they do. 

Praise God thats not how He works! We prayed God would help reveal His grace and love to these people as He has shown us. Then in such a short time we witnessed people breaking through this bondage as we shared scripture led by God, who was also working on their hearts. 

Through God's direction, prayer, and sharing scripture; God opened their eyes, showed us fruit, and helped plant seeds. We saw a few people come to faith as well as one who was even excited to follow in believers baptism. What a blessing!  

Sharing with the families and kids, seeing the hope God brings them, that's why we are here. We are here to follow in obedience, learn to rely on God, letting Him use us to testify of all the good things He's done for our life and others. To share how God has helped overcome struggles and ultimately share the news of a living and active God despite any minor "inconveniences" or lack of comfort.

Romans 8:18 says, "For I consider that the suffering of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us." There is truly nothing that compares when you know you are in God's will. Even if it makes no sense to people around you. 

That was probably my biggest takeaway this week. Understanding and truly realizing that our comforts are insignificant. I was able to reflect on how these comforts affect my walk with Christ and how willing I truly must be to let that go.   

To end my reflection for this week, I encourage you to do two things. 
  • First, I ask that you also reflect on your own life. Are there any areas of comfort that have caused you to struggle following in obedience? It can be as simple as talking to a new person about your faith or something such as leaving all your daily comforts to follow him. Whatever it may be, I encourage you to pray and lay it at Jesus' feet. 
  • Second... please pray that:
    • the Gospel will continue to spread on this island
    • those new in the faith will grow & remain strong
NT365 Gap Year Participant

Saturday, November 18, 2023

My God is Good

I have felt so many emotions this week, many highs and lows. Our week began with a baby dying at just three days old. The family had the baby wrapped in a cloth, lying on a table. Children swatted flies away. He had a name. He was a beautiful baby boy. I cried. 

We encouraged the family, a family of new believers, we prayed for them, and we sang "Amazing Grace." It was hard to cry and sing so I cried and mouthed the words when I couldn’t sing. 

I have now seen two dead bodies – each looking only as if they were sleeping. This baby did not know his own name, nor his parents or sisters. It reminded me of the funeral of the older man during our weekend ministry. Both created by God. One lived to be three days old, the other lived to be seventy years. I know that little baby is in heaven with the older man. Maybe they know each other. Another reminder of death. Another reminder of Christ’s victory. 

Why an innocent baby? Why am I okay with the death of an elderly person more than the death of anyone who lived less life? Why do I question the death of a baby more than the death of the elderly? A young baby will be in heaven but what about the elderly? What about the adults, young adults, and teens? Did they know about Jesus? 

Life is precious. God can give and He can take away. If He gives, He is still God. If He takes away, He is still God. And He is good, holy, and perfect. 

A baby, proof of some of God’s most intricate creation. A signature of His handiwork, His craftsmanship, His love, His affection. It broke my heart. 

Death had a hold on me some time ago but Jesus shattered my heart, pierced my soul, and saved my life. The chains no longer fit me and never will have a hold on me. He broke the old and built the new, the chains are powerless. But many cannot say the same. Some do not know. Two funerals in the Philippines. There is bondage in Catholicism, culture, society. Bondage to sin. Indifference to sin, comfort in culture. Bondage to death. Their chains still fit. I mourned. I cried. But I know that my God is good. He has a plan and purpose beyond my understanding. Who else in this community will see the baby in heaven one day?

AOT Participant

We've gotta pray!

Island week! This week came with a lot of surprises and challenges... all exciting. The Lord has shown me more and more each day new areas in my life to surrender to Him. 

This week we had new teams to do ministry with. I got to serve alongside Tatum, Holly, David, Jadon, and Kwenie. Each day looked very different than what we expected. In this way we were able to lean and trust in the Lord more. 

The Lord really put on my heart to slow down this week when doing house to house evangelism and in-home Bible studies. Often times one person leads while the rest listen, participate and jump in when need be. When we are not leading we also take the time to pray. I often found myself not praying for my teammates and my mind would just wander somewhere else entirely. The Lord quickly convicted me of this. We should constantly, FERVENTLY... be praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Not just on our team, but around the world. 

  • Pray that God would make Himself known to unbelievers. 
  • Pray that they would cling to Jesus. 
  • Pray that followers of Christ would boldly proclaim the truth of God’s word with grace and clarity.
NT365 Gap Year Participant

Friday, November 17, 2023

What's Real?

Is this reality?
Maybe his little eyes will open and his chest will rise and fall in rhythm.
She said, “He is only sleeping.”
I prayed to see a miracle.
Believe his four days had meaning.
Believe God’s goodness.
Believe God brings life from death.
Believe God holds this baby boy in His arms like his mother did and weeps.
Believe the sacrifice of Jesus’ life will right all wrongs.
Believe God is close to the brokenhearted.
Believe Jesus’ life has “swallowed up [death] in victory”.
Yes, the death my sin brings is reality, but even truer are the nail pierced hands of the Risen King!
How, she asks. How, they ask. How, I ask.
Only by grace through faith can I believe.

God has shown me that the brokenness & sorrow I felt from the physical death of the baby boy should be what I feel for all those who are spiritually dead and without Jesus. He also spoke to me to remember that we don’t mourn as the world does, we have hope (1 Thes. 4:13-18). My tangible hope, my Savior and Redeemer, must be made known and proclaimed!

We visited the mom and her family again. I asked her if she wanted to read a couple verses during our Bible study. She replied, “My husband has not allowed me to read the Bible yet.” 

Why not?” I wanted to ask, but felt like I couldn’t or shouldn’t.

Will God use what the enemy meant for evil for good to free this woman, her family and many more from the chains and barriers to receive assurance of salvation and relationship with God? I believe so!

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Thursday, November 16, 2023

To reach the unreached... my part

In my time on the island, God had worked on my heart. He showed me some ways that I have fallen short, but He has also showed me just how deep the calling is for missionaries to reach the unreached. God really has put it hard on my heart to continue completing the Great Commission. Whether this means continuing mission after I finish this year or living as a "World Christian" when I get back to America and just spreading the gospel more and more around my town... I’m not sure yet what it means but I am excited to see what it turns into and how God uses me. 

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Where are the workers?

One week on the island was very impactful for me. On this unreached island we encountered many who were ready to listen & receive the Word. We shared with those who ere ex-cult members, others who had experienced great tragedies, and with many bound by Catholic theology and tradition. Yet within many of these conversations I saw a glimpse of God’s redemption. 

The national church planter couple we partnered with have only been there since March, but we were able to see so much fruit from their ministry. They are currently focusing on three surrounding barangays or communities. Each barangay has approximately 400 people of more. Although they are investing so much into these three, there are still eleven others in the area. It may be years before there are enough disciples or leaders for these three concentrated communities to be built on a solid foundation for the workers to expand their ministry to the other eleven communities. 

How can it be that there are only two workers among hundreds of unbelievers? This grieves my heart. Where are the workers? The people are ready to hear but who will tell them? 

When we first started into our communities we were only given a house or two to begin Bible studies with. However by the end of the week our scheduled Bible studies filled the whole day. Each household was happy to invite us back the next day, they wanted us to stay for months! There was endless opportunity to share the Good News among the people and children on this island.

As we were on the ferry boat leaving the island there was a rainbow over the island. I was reminded of God’s promises. I was reminded of how God has brought light into this dark world. I was reminded of God’s plan for redemption. I believe God is going to work in mighty ways on this island. I believe strongholds will soon be broken. I believe many of these unreached people will come to know Christ. My hope is in Christ’s power. He has a perfect plan for this island and I want to continue to pray expectantly. Please pray with me!!

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Island Update: Brielle

Our home for the week!
This week was a week full of unknowns that in those time all you can do is stop and worship God in all He has done. We were on an island that has a lot of strongholds and a lot of just different things going on there. 

In our time there we led Bible Studies and we worshipped God for just all that He had done in the sense of just bringing us to the right people & in the ways He had moved before we got there!!! We had our separate ministry groups for each village. My group had the ability at times to split up and do different parts of ministry in different areas.
On the first day we lead Bible studies. We found out later they had been going to Bible studies before. They were very receptive to the Bible and were just wanting to learn more. The next couple of days we went back to the same area, meeting up with them & some new people. It was very good to see how God was moving.

When it came to our last day there, it was very sad to say goodbye. Many people were receptive to God and just wanted to know more.. and we wanted to stay to teach them more about Him and watch them come to know who He is.  

Not only did we get to enjoy and see God moving in people's hearts but we also got to enjoy the beauty of His creation. We went out on a tour of the nearby islands, getting to swim in the ocean with some jellyfish that were stingless! We got to sit on an island and just have time of fellowship with each other. It was a great time of getting closer to each other, and learning more about one another. 

NT365 Gap Year Participant

A week of death to life

This week started by attending a baby’s funeral, but ended with salvation and commitment to baptism! 

This week showed that God really is in the dark places working and paving the way for salvation. God’s heart for His people is so big and He will do everything He can to chase them down and capture their hearts. God is alive and He won’t stop moving. Praise God for the work He’s doing on this island!

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Being prepared to be unprepared

David w/ team mate, Will
The week on the island had been tiring but immensely fun as well. I have been able to witness the wonders of God's creation & more importantly His Spirit at work. Being prepared to be unprepared — that’s something that I have learned to embrace during my training — to not be slothful in my responsibilities but also to trust the Lord to take charge of all situations. 

Those that know me know that I don't speak well; I mumble and stumble over words. I was blessed to lead four Bible studies while on the island. In all four, God provided me with inspiration to smoothly deliver the truth. God also showed me that He can do a lot in a very short time with those that obey His will. 

Our stay on the island was only for a week and our actual ministry time there just three days. But by following one step of obedience after another, my team was able to minister to at least 15 separate families. All in all, ministry on the island taught me a lot not only about missions but also trust and obedience to God and the leaders He has appointed.

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Island Week!

I sit on a boat, watching as the lush, green mountains of the island get closer with every passing second. As I prepare my heart for the coming full week of ministry and evangelism to the lost I reflect on the past week and the lessons I learned in class. 

The primary lesson being spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is something that often flies under the radar of the normal day Christian. The devil wants to be in power, he wants to have control of both the believers & nonbelievers lives. Here in the Asia Pacific Rim, the devil rules by fear. He works through the supernatural and holds many souls in captivity because of their recognition of his or his servants power. In the west- America- the Devil plays a different angle and pulls a magic trick greater than any stage magician. He disappears from our minds, and subtly influences our lives, keeping people in sin and in blame towards the brokenness of this world. His goal is to steal, kill, and destroy. He wants to steal away your life day by day. Kill your joy, praise, and obedience. And destroy your effectiveness as a Christian in the short life we have on this earth. He does this by twisting or hearts with pride, fear, and selfishness. If we let the enemy do this, we will be ineffective. 

We have a mission, we have been drafted into the Army of God, and we are on the front lines right now. We must open our eyes to the enemy and start confronting him. We must recognize the victory we have in Christ and rebuke the devil’s attempts to try and sabotage our lives. Get on the battlefield! Start fighting the extremely real forces that are holding these very lost people in bondage through get on the battlefield! Start fighting the extremely real forces that are holding these very lost people in bondage through (1) Intentional prayer & (2) Going into these areas, proclaiming the news of absolute victory that no force, enemy, or prince of hell can ever quench. Get in the fight, start moving forward, and let the gospel of victory be proclaimed. 

My mind snaps back to the week ahead. The island approaching. 

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Farm Week: Kaesi's perspective

I’ve always had a love for animals and nature. Going to the farm (Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center),I expected to work with animals, but nothing could have prepared me for what I learned. 

As we were settling in on Monday, we took a tour of the farm, and then learned to make an A-frame. The A-frame helps to level out the field where you’re planting. 

The rest of the week we worked with planting trees, feeding chickens and bunnies, catching tilapia in nets, and the goats. The goats were at the beginning of the week, we learned how to castrate, and dehorn. The look on everyone’s faces during castration was the best part! The dehorning was the worst for me, hearing the baby goat scream was horrible. 

Throughout farm week I learned a lot about farming and livestock. Along with that, the solitude was much needed. I learned to seek God, and talk to Him about everything. On the last full day we went up into the mountains, and got to see all of God’s wonderful creation. I couldn’t help but stare in awe and thank God for His mercy and grace. 

Through conversations with others & prayer, i realized it is finally time to give my all to Christ, surrender to Him and be baptized. I learned so much this week, but the most important thing I learned is that God is everywhere, and He is in control. 

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Monday, October 16, 2023

Farm Week: David's perspective

The Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center (MBRLC) was fun and I experienced a lot that I would never have had the chance to back home in Singapore. Here are some reflections from this farm week:

This week, we were reading the early chapters of Leviticus, about sacrifices and such. Working with animals, especially goats, provided insight into how things would have worked out in the Old Testament. Leviticus became so much clearer to understand, and I honestly enjoyed reading it. The timing seemed almost intentional.

I read The Way of the Cross this week. It made me reflect on my relationship with God and those around me. It is a great book, and I recommend you read it.

We had lessons on Community Development as well, applying our skills to the field. It was interesting to see the methods and planning behind various ministries. It made me ponder over the amount of planning that went behind the Nehemiah Teams program. I can appreciate the rules a lot more now.

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Being Thankful

I just want to say how thankful I am for what God has done in my life. A big part of that, especially this month, has been done through our two ministry leaders, Karen and Rose. They have shown us the meaning of being bold in one’s faith and have really exemplified so much of what it looks like to abide in God and follow in obedience. Praise God for them. 

Praise God for what He is doing in your life. Before you leave this post, take a second and consider, “Are you really willing to sacrifice everything for God? For the Gospel? For Obedience?" 

I pray that if you are not in that place that you will seek God and find Him full of love and patience, as He will lead you on these hard paths, of righteousness, for His name’s sake. 

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Challenges are Opportunities

Challenges are opportunities for our personal & spiritual growth. They also provide room for God to shine through. This past weekend God did that once again as we struggled with transportation & direction to our location for the day.

En route to our destination, the taxi GPS wasn't working. Every so often, our driver would ask  people for directions. Eventually we arrived at the trail head, but it was still a two hour hike from where we needed to be. A local family who had hiked the trail many times before stopped us and offered to go with us. They were a gift from God.

If God hadn’t sent them to help us, we may have ended up lost in the mountains for a few hours longer than needed. The few hours we spent hiking also gave us the opportunity to build a friendship with them which led to some brief Gospel conversations. Along the journey we experienced incredible views and looking back you can see God’s hand in the day from beginning to end. The challenges we had for the day led to opportunities for God to work... both in us & through us.

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Practice, practice, practice!!

Reaching our one month mark, I’ve realized that during weekend ministry evangelizing on the streets isn’t as easy as I thought it would be. But, with practice, consistency, and learning new methods, I’ve been improving each weekend. 

I’ve been finding new methods and approaches to start conversations and learning about people’s lives. It takes a lot of prayer and patience to let God lead my message. When conversations do not go very well, I've realized there is no need to be discouraged because God is the one who changes hearts.

Please pray for those we engage in conversations with. Pray that truths of the Gospel will be planted in their hearts.

NT365 Gap Year Participant

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Homesickness < His Love

The longer I’m away from home, the more I realize how much I took for granted. I miss riding in the car and talking with my mom. Sitting on the floor telling my dad every detail of my 6am-2pm shift. I miss listening to my youngest brother attempting to read his chapter book. I miss sharing a bathroom with my best friend. I miss my friends being a 20 minute drive or a phone call away. I miss being home alone.

It can be hard to stay focused on what God has called me to here when i'm missing home. I’m missing out on my brother’s senior year, lacrosse games, last prom, graduation. I’m not there to help him fill out college applications or give him girl advice. I’m missing out on friendships back home, new jobs, promotions, relationships. I’m missing out on living daily life with people back in America. I’m missing being with my church family, Worshipping together with people who have poured into me so much spiritually. Listening and praising God in my own language.

It can be hard because I’ve been praised for sacrificing so much. But I think of how easy my load is compared to the one who laid down His life for mine. 

I think of those who don’t know of the freedom we have in Christ. My heart is burdened by the lostness of the world. And it makes it easy to give up the comfort of my air-conditioned home in Dallas, GA. The ease of getting in my car and going for a drive, the privilege of a hot shower, the convenience of throwing my clothes in a washing machine. 

The homesickness, the sacrifices, none of it can be compared to the things Christ experienced because of my sin. And so many don’t know He did it for theirs too. Until then, I’ll sing His praise till the whole world hears.

NT365 Gap Year participant

Thursday, October 12, 2023

My All Sufficient One

Me: God, why don’t they just receive the gift of Jesus’ life? Is being stuck in their same patterns of sin, living in utter darkness and being eternally separated from God in Hell really less terrifying than giving our temporary lives to you in exchange for a deeply satisfying eternal life with Jesus?

God: Why would you not receive my grace sooner, Holly? You were believing lies about yourself, Me, and others that kept you chained. My loving arms were and are always open to you. I used your parents, friends, books, movies, my Word, non-coincidental moments, and other’s testimonies to draw you to my heart. Still, you held me at arms length. It was not until 7x70 rock bottoms and 7x70 forgivenesses that you started to understand and receive my grace. You had to be chased down and shown my radical, self-sacrificing love millions of times before you could receive me. You also have to continue to receive this love, by My Holy Spirit, to “throw off every sin and weight that hinders”. Freedom from the pit and chains of darkness come when you realize two things in the core of your heart. One, I love you unconditionatlly (even when you grieve and anger me) and two, there is only death and condemnation apart from Me. Who can accept these 2 truths lightly if they haven’t tasted and seen that God is truly good? Therefore, have patience while praying for their salvation, building relationships and sharing clearly and boldly the Gospel that saved your life. You must not underestimate the faithful sharing of the Gospel, because it is God who is Sovereign over salvation. I will empower you to be longsuffering, humble, and deeply loving. Rest in Me my daughter. I am your All Sufficient One.

NT365 Gap Year Participant