Throughout our summer in Zimbabwe, we've been able to spend time at a local babies home. There are around 20 children under the age of 5 living there. One day we took the kids outside to play. I was holding a child and he sneezed. He needed his nose wiped and I had no tissue so I used my resources. I found a leaf and told the kid to blow...never thought twice about it.
We came back around a week later and took the kids outside again. That same child held up a leaf to my teammate's, Lindsey's nose and wanted her to blow. After laughing hysterically, I was reminded just how absorbant children are. I've often wondered this summer if the children are really understanding what we are telling them. We have told Bible Story after Bible Story and continued to tell them how much God loves them, but I have still wondered if they are "getting it."
This child reminded me that little eyes and ears are watching every move we make, and I'm praying they are understanding just how much our Father loves them. I have also been reminded in 1 Corinthians 3:6-9 that the Lord is the only one who promotes growth. We can plant seeds and water, but only the Lord can grow.
Please pray for the Lord to grow in the children of Zimbabwe's lives.
Pray they would understand that they are not left alone, they are not orphans because they have a Heavenly Father who loves them dearly.
-Ann Marie