Monday, July 7, 2014

Tell Me a Story About Jesus

"Can you tell us a story about Jesus?" This was the beginning of a conversation I had with a child this week. Last week, I tried to tell them a story about Jesus, but when you have twenty kids outside playing in the grass, it is hard to keep their attention. This week, one of the girls remembered that I had mentioned Jesus. So, as we sat down to begin "storying", she wanted to hear about Jesus...

"What kind of story do you want to hear?" I asked.
"A story about Jesus."
"What do you want to know about Jesus?"
"I don't know, like how he died?"

"Yes, I can tell you how He died...." Thus, this was the beginning of the Jesus conversations in the apartment complex. I told them about the birth and death of Jesus. Then, the girl wanted to hear more about this man. I told the story of the feeding of 5,000. I told the story of Jesus calming the sea. We talked about him being a great teacher.

Most of the children would listen for a few moments, then run off and play. However, one little girl, about eight years old, stayed back and listened. She was digesting the stories and asking many good questions. She does not yet fully understand the Gospel, but the doors are wide open for discussion with her and several others within the complex.

Please pray for...
  • Continued open doors in the apartment complex behind our home.
  • Understanding for the children that are listening to the Bible stories.