Puerto Princessa, Palawan
Got to share testimonies and words of encouragement and challenge to some Bible students yesterday. Were able to hang out with Filipino NT members and shop some. Rested today, fellowship later, speak at a church on Sunday... then Monday, off to Manila for this all guy awesome team!
I am a fan of these Castaways and your prayers kept them going the whole summer. Pray for a strong debrief and that indeed a redeployment... no longer as summer missionaries but as World Christians, living with a compass in their hands... always heading to all nations wherever and however that maybe!
Dili jud basta basta!
As we were traveling back to "bigger" island to get on a ferry, soaked due to quite strong waves the whole ride, I thought of the words of the apostle Paul in Romans 15:20...
"It has always been my ambition to preach the Gospel where Christ was not known."
Distance and difficulty will never hinder us from going to all... for the sake of The Call--- His Call.
Happy Birthday Austin!