Saturday, September 21, 2024

I can mobilize others

During our first week of AOT we spent a lot of time studying the life of Nehemiah.  Specifically we studied the leadership skills he displayed while building the wall around Jerusalem. Nehemiah was especially good at mobilizing. He gathered the people of Israel & led them in the re-building of the wall. From his story I have learned that I have a part in mobilizing others for mission work. It is my job to answer God's call & extend an invitation for others to join me.


Friday, September 20, 2024

FEAR FACTOR... Philippine Style!

During their tour of the Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center (MBRLC), NT365 Gap Year participants were treated to the King of Fruits... DURIAN!! Watch their initial reactions to this Philippine delicacy...

Needing Him for the work

A lesson the Lord has taught me in the short time I've been here is that I need to be ready for anything. But make sure that I am leaning on the Lord through everything. Sometimes I tend to get nervous. Then I forget about praying & asking God for peace & to help me through it.

NT365 sharing at local youth fellowship
This past weekend during our ministry at a local church, I realized that it can be rough trying to do work for Him without looking to Him first.

I can never do anything on my own.  I will always need the Lord's help through everything. An example is when I was asked to share a verse in front of the church. I told them I would share my favorite verse... and then I completely blanked out & forgot the verse.

Since then I have been so nervous to go back to the church. It was kinda like a dark cloud hanging over me. I didn't want to mess up again, but I started thinking and realized I hadn't prayed about it at all. 

For 2 days before we went back out for ministry, I have been praying and talking to God about it & I feel so much more peace about heading into the weekend. I feel less nervous and even a little excited!


I am enough

I feel like I have learned 5 billion things already! But the one that sticks out the most is how the Lord has been teaching me to let go of comparison. 

When you go from regular life to being surrounded by Godly students 24/7, it becomes so easy to compare or even compete. The Lord really showed me the power that comes with confession. The SECOND I talked to God about how I was struggling with comparison, it got easier. But confession must come first! 

It is not enough to say, "Cambree, stop thinking like that." I had to run to the Father and confess my sin & struggles and ask for help. This is when the Lord could start transforming my heart. 

I have been reminded over & over again that I am enough, just the way God made me. I don't have to try to be someone else or compare myself to others. I can just be Cambree... and that is enough!


Thursday, September 19, 2024

New Experieinces for Emma

Being in the Philippines has been amazing! I've tried durian (not my favorite taste or smell), bargained for a malong (tubular-type bedsheet), watched goats get their horns burned off, and enjoyed some delicious Filipino foods like banana-Q and mango float. 

A big cultural norm is that EVERYONE rides motorcycles! I was in a village for our weekend ministry & a sweet Filipina asked if I wanted a ride on the back of her motorcycle. I enthusiastically agreed and we rode through rural roads in her village, greeting her many family members & friends. What an amazing moment!


I can't imagine...

During my first week in Advance Operations Training (AOT) I learned about the characteristics that make up a good leader. Through observing Nehemiah's humble reliance on God, I concluded that a good leader is someone who responds to God's call by prayer, planning, mobilizing & by following through with the appointed task.

As a cup bearer to the King, Nehemiah could have stayed where he was & lived comfortably. However, he chose to surrender all of it to God. 

I can't imagine how Nehemiah must have felt as he came before the King and shared the burden God had given him for restoring Jerusalem. 
I can't imagine how many nights Nehemiah spent preparing and praying over how to lead. 
I can't imagine all the work that went into mobilizing the people to join in God's vision.

What I do know is that Nehemiah didn't give up. In the midst of opposition & discouragement, Nehemiah had a backbone of prayer. He trusted God and involved others. Nehemiah refused to give up the burden God had placed on his life. Maybe this is why God used Nehemiah.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

God's Provision... Andrew speaks

Everyday is a learning adventure in the Philippines, including language & culture. One of the most interesting examples of this was the slaughtering of "Kevin," the chicken. Acquiring Kevin was an adventure that I will not be going into detail about. After church on Sunday, the pastor's wife called to me saying, "Andrew, it's Kevin time!" I proceeded outside where someone handed me a machete. Then... Kevin was no more.

Praise be to God because Kevin was lunch for the church. It was cool to experience such an indepth lunch fellowship!


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Why Advance Operations Training (AOT)?? Zuriel speaks...

I have known about Nehemiah Teams for many years & have always loved to join. I even talked with Kuya Jess when I was 17... but years have gone by & I still haven't gone! At this time, I have all the time in the world & it never felt like a better time to go, finally fulfilling my dream of attending AOT. It feels like the Lord has prepared everything for this. To God be the glory!

Davao City, Philippines 

(The AOT portion of NT365 Gap Year program is open for Asians to join. Zuriel is a Filipino team member.)

Why NT365 Gap Year?? Andrew speaks...

I heard about NT365 through a friend while eating lunch one day. After I looked into it some more, I prayed about it & decided to apply. Through the application process & the support raising, God revealed Himself in mysteriously wonderful ways. I truly thought God would shut doors and I wouldn't be here. However, God kept opening doors & God kept providing. God provided in such a way that I went over my goal financially and gained even more prayer partners that I could have imagined. I learned that God is Jehovah-Jireh, the one true provider.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Why NT365 Gap Year?? Geoffrey speaks...

I heard about IMB's NT365 Gap Year opportunity from my missions pastor. I knew God had called me to a mission trip so my missions pastor was helping me find one that was a good fit. When he showed me NT365, I was immediately interested and got on a call to find out more information as soon as I could.

The trip fit exactly what I was hoping for so I signed up right away. I have been so blessed in fundraising by both my family & friends as well as in their continuous prayers. My church has played the biggest role in supporting me through fundraising as well as prayer & encouragement. I have never felt more love than what was shown to me by my church.


Why NT365 Gap Year?? Daniel speaks...

I am Daniel of Singapore. I first heard of the Nehemiah Teams Gap Year program in 2022. Kuya Jess had come to Singapore to mobilize the youth to be involved in missions. When I heard his challenge to go, I decided in my heart to go. I couldn't go immediately due to other commitments. But since that time, I have been saving funds for the trip.

Although I have never felt the "call" to be a missionary, I felt a need to be able to share the Gospel. A guy once asked me to explain Christianity and I could not. I was horrified! Deeply convicted, I was determined not to let such a chance slip by again.


Friday, September 13, 2024

Why NT365 Gap Year? Camille speaks...

The original plan was to do phlebotomy school... but my mom & I both felt a nudging to reconsider a gap year program. She did research one night & found NT365. We had never heard of it! Within 2 weeks, I decided to go... applied... and was accepted!

We sent out fundraising letters & I spoke at a small church meeting with my missions pastor & some other people to get the word out. So many church people gave money. I fell like I literally have an army of people behind me praying for me! The whole process seemed to go seamlessly & the hand of God was completely over it. 


A Mind Dependent on the Lord

The travel to the Philippines was amazing!! It was really hard saying bye to my parents, but two of my team mates were already at the airport... so that made it so much easier!! 

The verse above was a Scripture I read 2 days before I few out. I asked the Lord to show me something He wanted me to know before I left & this was where He led me. Throughout every goodbye & tear, a mind dependent on the Lord remains at perfect peace because what is better than knowing you are EXACTLY where God wants you to be? 
What is better than spending time with Him? 
What is better than saying yes to Jesus? 
Absolutely nothing.

I am so humbled & honored that God would allow me to be here. My heart is constantly in awe of His kindness & faithfulness. I look forward to treasuring every day of the next 10 months. Thank you Jesus!!


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Why NT365 Gap Year?? Adrielle speaks...

I had never heard about IMB's Nehemiah Teams NT365 until a month before the application deadline. I wasn't thinking about doing a gap year program like this & honestly didn't even really know programs like this existed! One day my grandparents, who are former IMB missionaires, received an email about this gap year opportunity and told me about it.

I prayed about it & decided to apply. I was a little nervous about my fundraising at first because I joined a little late. But God provided even more than I could have imagined! I went over my goal & even had a church family give me a check for funds that I had donated myself. One thing i learned from this process is that if God is calling you to something... He will provide!!


Why NT365 Gap Year?? Jessica speaks...

I initially heard about the Nehemiah Team gap year program from my friend, Grace, who had already signed up for the trip. I knew God was also calling me to pursue missions this next year. When Grace invited me to come with her, I was hesitant at first. I didn't want to intrude on what my friend was being called to. After praying about it, God confirmed that He wanted me to go too.

I began fundraising, trusting that God would provide what seemed to me to be an impossible cost. As August neared & our departure date got closer, I had less than a third of the money I needed for the trip. 

I am so thankful for the people God put in my life who helped me raise my support & who encouraged me in my doubt. Within the span of a week, I went from having less than a third of my funding to being completely funded. God had provided for me abundantly!


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Getting from "here" to "there"

I flew out of Nashville, TN, my local airport. Saying goodbye to my family was very emotional. Right before I walked through security, there was a new "realness" to the journey. That was not easy doing that along for the first time.

In Charlotte, I met up with Emma which was a real blessing! God got us to the right places from there on without much hassle.

In California, we met up with the rest of the team, which was great! They're so fun. That was the hug which would begin the 13 hour flight. I was seated between 2 Asian men and felt slightly deperate to get back with my team.. the "familiar people."

The rest of the travel was pretty smooth & I think God's hand was over it. We were able to get to the right places & stay together for the most part. I'm here and it's a blessing to me. It was definitely tiring but honestly... I can't complain.


The Peace of God's Plan

Hugging my three little sisters goodbye on August 28th at the Charlotte City, NC airport was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Knowing that when I see them next, they will be taller,  wearing new clothes, having exciting new hobbies, new favorite colors, and so on. I remember after tearfully hugging them, I hugged my mom & dad. My parents, who have taught me, helped me & loved me so well for 18 years. It was so hard to part with my family! 

But I had to eventually commit to turning around & walking away- even thought, yes, it's sad... it's also so amazing to be stepping into the peace of God's plan.

When I met the rest of my wonderful team, my peace felt even more confirmed! And God blessed us with smooth & safe travels.

One of my favorite moments was on my shorter fight from Manila to Davao City. I sat next to the sweetest Filipina. She looked anxious about the flight, so turning to her, I asked if she spoke English. She responded, "Yes! Yes! A little bit!" I smiled & asked if she wanted to pray over the safety of our fight together and she immediately agreed. We joined hands before the plane took off. I said a simple prayer, asking for God's protection and peace. 

What a beautiful moment! A Filipina & an American girl, with nothing in common but united under the need for the Lord & His perfect peace. What a good Father we have! What an honor to be here in the Philippines, serving with IMB & Nehemiah Teams.

God has blessed me so much- and my heart is humbled to be here with this team, sharing and living out the Gospel together.

North Carolina

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

the Adventure has Begun!

This past week has been a whirlwind of blessings. The moment I met my teammates in the airport, it is like we have been family & dear friends. We have already experienced so many adventures together! The bond we have is God given. I thank Him everyday for it.

Over this past week, I can already feel my spirit grow closer & closer to God. This time spent daily diving into God's word, having the time to be still before God, and gathering with believers has made an incredible impact on my life already. I cannot wait to see how God will grow me & my teammates during our training. 

Praise God... the adventure continues!

God bless,
North Carolina

A day of "Goodbye" & "Hello!"

I said "goodbye" to my sisters, bother, Nana & my parents on August 28, 2024. I said "Hello!" to my new teammates, brothers & sisters and fellow missionaries that same day.

I hopped aboard a plane that took me 13 hours towards my new home in the Philippines. I have trusted Jesus with my life since I was 6 years old, and at 18, my love for Him, His grace & His love has only grown.

He was with me in the light of mornings and with me in the darkness of twilight. So, not-so-naturally, I followed the way He told me to go & now I find myself in the Philippines. The trip to get here was long, but it allowed a great amount of time for thinking, praying, and preparing for this trip & this moment. May God use me & my life for His glory & for His will!

To God be the Glory!


Monday, September 9, 2024

Why NT365 Gap Year?? Grace speaks...

Three years ago I was at a youth camp where God put it on my heart to go into ministry. Six months later, I began to look into gap year program. I looked at many different programs but I didn't feel called to any. 

One day I was talking to my dad & he recommended I look into Nehemiah Teams. After looking through their trip description, I knew this trip was for me.

I love that we are spending 3 of our 10 months being poured into so we will be able to pout into others. I also believe God will use the training portion of this trip to equip me so I can faithfully work for His Kingdom.

In Christ,