Thursday, September 19, 2024

I can't imagine...

During my first week in Advance Operations Training (AOT) I learned about the characteristics that make up a good leader. Through observing Nehemiah's humble reliance on God, I concluded that a good leader is someone who responds to God's call by prayer, planning, mobilizing & by following through with the appointed task.

As a cup bearer to the King, Nehemiah could have stayed where he was & lived comfortably. However, he chose to surrender all of it to God. 

I can't imagine how Nehemiah must have felt as he came before the King and shared the burden God had given him for restoring Jerusalem. 
I can't imagine how many nights Nehemiah spent preparing and praying over how to lead. 
I can't imagine all the work that went into mobilizing the people to join in God's vision.

What I do know is that Nehemiah didn't give up. In the midst of opposition & discouragement, Nehemiah had a backbone of prayer. He trusted God and involved others. Nehemiah refused to give up the burden God had placed on his life. Maybe this is why God used Nehemiah.
