Friday, September 20, 2024

Needing Him for the work

A lesson the Lord has taught me in the short time I've been here is that I need to be ready for anything. But make sure that I am leaning on the Lord through everything. Sometimes I tend to get nervous. Then I forget about praying & asking God for peace & to help me through it.

NT365 sharing at local youth fellowship
This past weekend during our ministry at a local church, I realized that it can be rough trying to do work for Him without looking to Him first.

I can never do anything on my own.  I will always need the Lord's help through everything. An example is when I was asked to share a verse in front of the church. I told them I would share my favorite verse... and then I completely blanked out & forgot the verse.

Since then I have been so nervous to go back to the church. It was kinda like a dark cloud hanging over me. I didn't want to mess up again, but I started thinking and realized I hadn't prayed about it at all. 

For 2 days before we went back out for ministry, I have been praying and talking to God about it & I feel so much more peace about heading into the weekend. I feel less nervous and even a little excited!
