Sunday, September 22, 2024

Living a Generous Life

A massive thing the Lord has put on my heart in my short time of being here is to BE GENEROUS! During our weekend ministry, it doesn't matter how much or little our Filipino hosts have, they give generously. They make meals, open up their churches so our team can have a place to sleep, give bags of food to neighbors, and just generally serve everyone around them selflessly & generously.

I was asked to share my testimony at church & share why I was here. I told them a bit of my testimony & explained to them that a lot of my training is in the Philippines and that is for a reason. There's so much to be learned from the way Filipinos live. To live joyfully, to be quick to smile & laugh, to be patient, and to be sacrificial.

I asked a 13 year old Filipino why he was laughing and he told me, "Because there's so much to be happy for... The Lord has blessed me!" I think we can all learn something from that response.
