Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Prayer Requests for the Riverboat Teams

Pray that those who have made an outward profession of their faith would grow to know God's love. Pray that their hearts would not be like the rocky soil in Mark 4. They have received the Word immediately with joy, but pray that they won't fall away when trials come.

Pray for Ate L, a new believer whose spirit has changed in an evident way. She accepted Christ with tears in her eyes, and thanked us for coming to tell her the Good News. Now she must have faith as she raises her eight children. Her husband, Kuya R, is a man with many vices. Pray that she would be strengthened and eager to lead her family to love the Lord.

Pray for Naynay F, who hosted us as we gathered for house church outside her home on Sunday morning. Pray for a group of believers to continue meeting each week after we leave, to study the Word and encourage each other. Pray that Ate V, whose passion for the Word is evident, would grow in her faith and become a leader for her family and others.

Pray for Kuya J, one of several men we've been playing basketball with every day. He told us that he has a Waray Bible that he reads early each morning before he goes to work. Pray that he would lead other men to love the Word and devote themselves to study.

Pray that the gospel would be evident in our words and actions.

Pray for our team to be unified and in-tune with the Spirit.

Pray for perseverance. We go to bed exhausted every day. Pray that the Lord would be our strength and that we would remain eager to serve.