Monday, June 11, 2012

Understanding the Sikhs

One of the biggest parts of our ministry at Urban Impact is helping facilitate and lead mission teams that come from churches around the country to work with immigrants.  In doing so, they teach ESL, work with children, and learn about the cultures and religions of the people.

On Wednesday, we led a team to a Sikh temple in Queens.  People often confuse Sikhs as Muslims, but they are actually of a totally different religion.  Their men wear turbans to cover their long, uncut hair, and they are part of the newest major world religion.  

While we were there, the priest pulled back the linen shroud used to cover and protect the scriptures and sang to us some of the passages.  Gabe recounted later how amazing it was--that they would have such hospitality toward us.  We wondered what the typical Christians would have done if Sikhs had walked into their church in a similar manner and inquired about their religion.

There are aspects of their religion that God can certainly use to shine forth the Gospel.  They have an incredible heart for the poor and oppressed in addition to their overwhelming reverence for their scriptures.

Please be praying:
  • that God would open the eyes of this Sikh priest, his wife, and his son to the truth of the Gospel.
  • that God would use the good aspects of Sikhism (concern for the poor and needy, respect for scriptures, and belief in the equality of human beings) to prepare them for the One who has truly fed the hungry, is the very Word of God, and brings all men low at the foot of the cross.
  • that God would continue to use us in leading mission teams from churches all around the country to understand other religions better in order that the lost may come to true repentance and faith in Christ.
In Christ,
