Sunday, July 15, 2012

An Update from Ashley

I didn't know exactly what to expect this summer but God has exceeded all things even imagined. He has been faithful through the little and big things and I'm thankful to be called His servant.

For I am not worthy to share the gospel, but it is through God smothering me with grace that it is even possible. It is through His grace that he has showed me many things this summer. One important thing He has showed me is to keep my heart open.

When I came here, I had an idea what I wanted to do with my life but God wanted to change it. He desires "loyalty not sacrifice" (Hos. 6:6) and when I sacrificed my summer God really wanted my whole life. Through this He has changed my small worldview focus to a bigger worldview focus. God is a multicultural multi lingunstic God and every nation will be before Him someday.

There is harvest waiting for the Truth and it is our job to go. It got real for me this summer when a lady said she was thankful that someone came and explained the gospel to her and her family. After seeing God work this summer as he transformed many lives it only makes sense to surrender my whole life fully to Him.