Thursday, July 26, 2012

Prayer For Our Final Week

The Kentucky Team does a lesson for Kids Club

We’ve got one week left in New York City, so pray that we finish strong!

~Pray for our friends that we’ve met, fed, and prayed for in our homeless ministry this week: Emma, Carol & Gordon & their son Tyler, Jeanette, Teresa & her daughter Jesse, Mickey the Poet, Anna, and Aisha.  Some of them are struggling to overcome drug addictions so pray that God would heal them of these addictions so they can rely on Him alone.

~Pray for conversations we have with everyone we come in contact with, such as people on the subway, our Muslim friends Abraham and his son Mustafa, our Jewish friends Ben and Steve, Russians we meet at Russian church, and everyone that comes to the cookout.

~Pray for Kids Club as it continues for another three weeks and for the Kentucky Team that is leading it this week.  Also pray that God would use the “Prayer Stations” that the Kentucky Team is working at this week.

~Finally, pray for our team: Jordan and I at Park Slope and Amanda and Alisha at Metro Baptist in Benson Hurst.  Pray for opportunities to share the gospel and for a peaceful transition as we head to debrief and then back home next week.

Thank you all so much for your prayer support!  It means so much to us.