Sunday, July 29, 2012

Prayer Requests for the Riverboat Teams

Pray for V, a young man who has great leadership potential. Pray for his continued growth and knowledge of the Word, and for his confidence to increase. Pray that he would find an opportunity for discipleship.

Pray for Naynay G, an elderly woman who prayed to receive Christ and was baptized later that day. She shows an obvious understanding of the Truth that she is learning. She immediately began to face persecution for her decision to follow the Bible above the prevalent religious traditions. Pray for her strength to be renewed, and that the Lord would provide her with fellowship and support from others.

Pray that Kuya P and Ate D would teach their friends and neighbors what they've learned.

Pray for Ate K, the Baragay Captain's daughter, who opened up to the women on our team in a really genuine way. Her youngest child is missing two ribs, and will undergo surgery in a couple of months. Pray for her to see clearly what God has done for her. Pray for her to find a hunger for the Bible, and for her faith to increase.

Pray for Kuya I, who has an eagerness to learn from scripture. Pray that he would step up as a spiritual leader for the men of this barangay.

Pray for Kuya F, a man who started attending multiple Bible studies every day, and would help to explain part of the lesson to others at almost all of them. Pray that as others continue to look up to him, they would be lead to understand the truth for themselves.

Pray that Kuya H and his household would understand the commitment that they have made.

Pray for Barangay C. There is an evident darkness in this place. Drinking, gambling, and sexual sin seem more openly a part of life here than any other place we have seen this summer. Pray for protection for the children of this barangay.

Pray for our translator, Luigi, as he returns to work with another volunteer team for four months. Pray for the relationships that he will continue building with these people. Praise God for Luigi's willingness to be obedient and follow Him in everything.

Pray that we would be able to effectively share what we've learned and how we've grown. Pray that we would stay humble and obedient, and that God would continue to receive the glory for what He's done.