Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Parable Applied

     In the book of Matthew, chapter 13, Jesus tells the parable of the sower. Our field supervisors came earlier this week to encourage us with this passage. The sower spreads the seed; that is their purpose, just as it is our purpose as Christians on earth to spread the gospel. 
    The hardest burden to bear in this role is not being able to control what kind of ground the seed falls on. Some hear the message, but turn away because they do not understand. Some recieve the message with joy, but soon get discouraged because of persecutions and hardships and stumble. Some seeds take root, but have a hard time growing because of distractions. Some seeds take root and grow. 
    Aom is a young 17 year old lady who we have spent much time with lately, and who has recieved the message of the gospel with understanding, a flicker of hope, and much fear... fear of what others may think or say. It is kind of easy to stand up for your faith where I am from. 
    It is much different here. We were reminded of this fact when we appeared at a local elephant show, and the performance was ceremonially dedicated to the spirits. The darkness is indeed all around us. Aom also holds a high place in spiritual society because she is closely related to the village headman. Their family takes special part in appeasement ceremonies at the local spirit house. This is the same family in which Kim is a member of. She is suffering persecutions and pressures as a Christian because of her role as the village headman's wife. 
    This week Kim suffered from a motorcycle wreck that left her in much pain. The Lord led us to her house at the right time so that we were able to lay our hands on her and pray for her protection and strength. We were also able to visit the spirit house earlier this week. It was powerful moment that none of us had ever experienced. Upon the suggestion of our supervisors to "deactivate" the spirit house, we set out to do just that. We used the power that the Lord has given us in 2 Corinthians 10:4 to demolish this stronghold that the evil one has over this family. Please continue your prayers on behalf of the souls of these people. Jesus loves them too!
     This past week both began and ended with tears. It started  as we moved out of Aom's house and into the home of Rungnapah's brother, sister in law, and pregnant neice, Joy. Aom's mom, Khun Thee is the sweetest of ladies, and was such a mother to us while we lived in her home. The whole family helped us load the truck. Khun Thee began crying, and ran upstairs to cover her emotion. People in this culture do not usually express their emotions strongly, instead they try to "save face." 
    The hardest part of the week was leaving this village, and knowing that we would not be coming back. We said our final goodbyes on Sunday. Many of the kids came to the worship service, and afterwards we had lunch with everyone, and Aom's parents came. We were able to present Khun Thee, Khun Loun, Aom, and Nay with a family Bible which they were happy to recieve. We know that God has a plan for this family. They have recieved the gospel with interest... please keep them in your prayers. 
     What came next was something I never expected and cannot hope to explain. We began to say our goodbyes, and Khun Thee began crying again... soon, all of the kids present were crying, including the older ones in my class. Remember, it is not customary for them to show emotion like this! They all gave us hugs and gave us their cards that had been handmade. At that moment, I didn't want to leave. "They are still lost and headed to hell, and I am leaving" ... that was all I could think of. The seed I've recieved I have sown. I have been a part of sharing Christ's love with these people, through both actions and words, that is all I can hope to do. Pray for the harvest.

Prayer Requests:

  • As always, pray for our team... for strength to endure. We will be moving to a new place soon, and it will be very different... pray that we are able to make an impact there
  • Pray for our guy team: Luke and Jamie
  • Pray for that little community outside of Wang Nua. We will never forget their faces; pray that they grow in curiosity and that God would draw them close to Him
  • Pray for Rungnapah and her ministry in that community
  • Pray for spiritual strongholds to be broken in that community, and the one we are headed to.
  • Pray for the students we were able to reach out to.
  • Pray for Aom and her family