Thursday, June 23, 2011

Falling In Love at New Faith Family

Tyler – Luzon Media
Moving from my first orphanage to New Faith Family, I didn’t know if I would be able to love a new batch of kids as much as the first. Well, those worries were just stupid because the children here had my heart within the first few hours.

First, let me describe this place. New Faith Family Children’s Home is one part of a huge complex with TONS of ministry opportunities: feeding programs, an orphanage, a school, a separate group specifically for abused girls, and prayer walking. Teams from all over the world are here serving.

My first stop here was the nursery. I used to think I was not a kid person, and especially not a baby person. When I first walked in, all I was thinking was, “please don’t hand me a baby! I don’t know what to do with it!” Well, the first child I met was a ten-month-old baby named Cedric, and I was instantly converted into a warm-hearted, baby-talking, tickling, and head-kissing idiot. Its so sad because he has heart and respiratory problems. I later met the toddlers, and though they are wild sometimes, their sweet moments make you want to take them home just as much as the babies.
Two seconds with this kid (Cedric), and I'm a baby lover - crazy!

If you play tag and slide with the older kids, you are instantly one of the family. Their “leader,” Alvin, is an eleven-year-old walking bible, according to Shelby. The kid is intense and really intelligent and serious at times. I feel like he’s going to grow up into a little Filipino Yoda. Shelby gave him a bracelet that has symbols that tell the story of the gospel, and he explained it to me the first time I met him. His brother is not saved. Alvin hopes to one day be a leader, like Nehemiah in the Bible, so he can show his brother what it is like to be bold for God.
Alvin - the Wise

Heather: It was instantaneous. As soon as I walked into the nursery, they felt like my own. Something about their smiles, their holding your hand, or their crawling into your lap…it just pulls at your heart. You just want to be their mom.

Kaitlyn: This is a feeling I’ve never experienced before. I keep kids at home, but it’s just not the same feeling. They have changed me so much already. I just wonder if I’m helping them near as much as they are helping me.

Shelby: I’ve always had a heart for orphans, and I knew at a very young age that adoption would be a part of my life one day. Coming here and seeing these children puts faces with those plans and ideas. They completely capture you – physically, emotionally, spiritually – you can’t escape them.