Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A miracle.

I hear her sweet squeaky voice, she is quietly singing one of her favorite songs. I praise God the sound. At only six years old she has already experienced so much hurt in her life. As a small child her parents separated, causing her mom to become mentally unstable. She even tried killing her own children not just once but three times.
When this little girl first arrived at the orphanage, she was afraid of everyone. She would not talk. And she would cry every night. She was only 5 years old, and already scared of life.
When my team first arrived, she was too scared to come near us. And she did not show any affection towards any of us. After a few days she warmed up and began talking. It is difficult for her pronounce words as she has a cleft palette. I think this is another reason why she is so shy, in a country where being the same is valued, she stands out as being different.
The other day she surprised me by crawling up into my lap and speaking to me in Bisayan, so I began to teach her English words. I also began asking her questions as I did so her face began to light up. Suddenly she was full of words to say!
Three nights ago, everyone was getting ready for bed and she put her arms around me and squeezed so tightly that I could feel her little heart beating. Then, she leaned over and gave me a kiss on my cheek and said, "I love you." in the sweetest voice, I think I have ever heard.
People kept telling me that I would come here and that the people would steal my heart- it's true. Being here has helped me to see the hurting world through God's eyes. This little girl is still alive, not just be chance but by the grace of God. She is here to be loved on and taught that she was created by God, that salvation is hers to have.
Her adorable squeaky voice, tiny arms, and her sweet crooked little smile has won me over and in just one week I have experienced one of God's many miracles!