Thursday, June 16, 2011

Last Update For The Next 2 Weeks

After three days of adventure, Team Olympus (Brandon, Matthew, and Daniel) and Team Lighting (Zach and Adam) have made it back to home base safely. Both teams were getting their feet wet in the home base city. The teams were driven an hour away from home base, dropped off with a translator, then were challenged to find their way back to home base while meeting people and learning about their culture. Team Lightning got to do some spearfishing at night, while the local waterfalls amazed Team Olympus.
As for me, I spent three days exploring a small island with Team TNT. We visited a few small rural villages, climbed a mountain to touch the clouds, and spent some time diving at the ports of a couple of villages. Living with little electricity, no air conditioning, and no toilets will be the challenge for each team coming from a land where these things are considered necessities.