Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Be the Artillery for the Infantry of God!

Sunday I attended a church service consisting of only 3 Americans, Jordan (American Healthcare supervisor), Casey (Another Missionary) and myself (Media man Jarett). The Pastor spoke on Acts 12:5-11, Where Peter had been arrested and was going to put to death.  The Church was praying for him. The night before his trial an angel rescued him.

The pastor used an analogy using military. He said how the artillery would fire ahead before the infantry moved forward into battle. He explained how the artillery shoots ahead, the people who don't have the opportunity to go out unto the missionary field or battlefield. They should pray for the missionaries/pastors/volunteers and for the people they would encounter. So the people not able to go is the artillery and the ones able to go are the Infantry. so his challenge was for the church to be in constant prayer for the people going out and the harvest that would come across.

So my challenge to you family, friends, fellow beleivers in Christ is to also be in constant prayer for the many teams out sharing the love of God with the people around the world. Don't just pray for the one team that you know someone on, but pray for all the teams that are out serving. Pray that God prepares the hearts of the people we will speak to. Pray that the teams are used by God to expand the Kingdom of God. Be like the people in Acts 12, pray earnestly to God for the teams and the advancement of the Kingdom.