The team is now finished with their house building.
This past Saturday, the team had the honor of dedicating 5 houses. Including two they helped complete from the ground up, one other they spent time working on, and 2 others.
Each team member got to take part in the ceremony. Each had the opportunity to tell the Habitat board, the new homeowners and the owner’s friends what they had learned this summer. Dan gave a Bible to each family, while Thomas gave the families the keys to their homes. Nicholas sang a Cebuano song he learned the night before, while Tanner and Jeremiah both prayed.
The members got to pray for the homeowners as well as cut the ribbons before they entered the house.
But one of the best parts was after we cut the ribbon and sang the song as we entered the home. The homeowners had snacks to celebrate. We got to eat spaghetti, some coconut rice snacks, and even a roasted pig. We went from one house to the next. So, by the last house, the one with the roasted pig, we were so stuffed that most of the pig was eaten by the family and friends there.
It is great to see all the hard work done and the gratitude of the work from the homeowners. This team has grown so much since the beginning of this summer- as a team and also as individuals. It's was very cool to see how much was done in just a summer. The first time I visited the team they were just laying the foundation on the houses. By the time I returned there were walls up on all sides of both houses. It was incredible to see how fast the work was done.
The team will now finish up their week with ministry as well as a couple things that the Habitat board will be treating them to. Keep them in your prayers as the continue to disciple the people they have meet and as they share the gospel with others in the community.