Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Hard but Easy Goodbyes

Team A has spent the last 4 weeks getting to know and interact with the people in our village. We have made a lot of friends here and shared the gospel with everyone we have had the opportunity to. Our team has also learned a lot by living here, about living in Filipino culture, and from the Lord.  We have a lot of goodbyes to make but some are sweeter than others. 

One goodbye that we are sad to make is Elizabeth. She and her family have been our next-door neighbors and have been such a blessing to us. They have let us use their fridge and clothesline and have been very friendly. They are Catholic and believe that they can earn their salvation. It has been hard for us to share with the family. 

However, Elizabeth speaks very good English and has been willing to talk with us and have Bible study. She helped us plan the teen Bible studies we have been having. Elizabeth recently surrendered her life to Christ during one of our studies. We have been having discipleship studies with her, but she is facing a lot of backlash from her family for her new beliefs. We are sad to leave here but happy to say goodbye as a sister in Christ knowing we will see her again. 

Pray for Elizabeth and the other new believers in the village and for the seeds that were planted. 

- Philippine Summer Team A

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Thoughts from a Teen

When I first got to orientation I felt very out of place and was unsure of what I got myself into, but I stayed and now I am very glad I stayed. If I decided that going was too hard for me and I left, then I would’ve missed getting to know fifteen awesome people who now are some really close friends. 

If I didn’t go, I wouldn’t have seen God work in villages I had no clue existed. I wouldn’t have been able to see people accept Jesus and wouldn’t have been able to see two women be baptized on the beach. 

I would have missed one of my favorite moments, it was in a village after my team had gotten done early with lunch. Three little girls had been trailing us all day and had led us to a little lookout spot. We sat and sang songs and shared a Bible story with them. Safe to say even though the going was hard this trip has been worth it. I am very glad that I decided to go.


No Turning Back: The Third and Final Update

Romans 11:33 

“Oh, the depths of the riches and the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgements and untraceable His ways!”

In two recent posts, I've been able to share the story of our translator and friend, Sam. Sam recently gave his life to Christ and has been radically changed by the Spirit of God. This is the third and final update on Sam's story.

After leading his family to Christ, Sam and the rest of our team began meeting with his parents weekly at their home. After a few Bible studies, we asked if they would be willing to host our house church at their home. After we asked, they excitedly agreed!

This weekend was the first time we met there. We sang and heard the Word taught. After learning about believers baptism earlier that week, Sam’s parents decided to be baptized! As more and more of their neighbors realized there were foreigners in their neighborhood, they peeked out of their homes. Sam’s parents, in a joy filled state, invited them over. 

First, Attay came and asked what we were discussing. After explaining how Sam’s parents were soon going to be baptized, she asked, “But what does that even mean?” Sam, realizing his neighbor had never heard the gospel, shared Christ with her and watched as Attay placed her faith in Jesus! Then, an older Tatay, who was a close friend of Sam’s father peeked out of his home. Sam’s father invited him over and had Sam explain the gospel to him. Full of joy, Tatay placed his faith in Jesus!! 

Dawson, alongside our national partners, baptized Sam’s parents that afternoon. Sam’s parents invited their friends, even some from a hard to reach people group. They all came to support their friends. After the baptism, we celebrated with fried banana before heading back to their home for a second house church service. 

What was originally a simple Bible study with Sam’s parents has exploded into a house church led by one of our national partners. Three weeks ago, when Sam placed his faith in Christ, we could never have imagined how God would use him to impact his family and his community. God’s plan is truly greater that anything we could ever imagine.

Romans 11:34-36 

For who has known the mind of the Lord? And who has been his counselor? And who has ever given to God, that he should be repaid? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen. 

Philippine Summer

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Give them a hand!!

Our first of many evangelizing training for our little ones! It’s so important that these sweethearts are advocates for Christ in their homes, schools, and communities. 

Yesterday, they learned 5 simple steps to explaining the Gospel... All you need is your hand! 

Pray for these kids who are learning how to share their young faith... while others are still coming to understand what that even means for them personally.

Hawaiian Church Ministry

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Beautiful gift of the Gospel

Lilias Trotter said “When God delays in fulfilling our little thoughts, it is to give Himself room to work out His great ones.” Now that I’m here, I cannot imagine spending my summer any other way.

It’s so cool that in God’s big, beautiful plan, He included me- and you!! I admire having a Creator that uses anyone for His kingdom.

We’ve been given something so beautiful - the Gospel. The Lord is teaching me this it is not mine to keep, but that it’s mine to share. Paul challenges us in Acts 20:24 to consider our lives worth nothing to us, if only we may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given us, the task of testifying to the Gospel of God’s grace. 
There are so many reasons to not do something, to not go. So many people will convince us to follow fear over Christ. Matthew 10:36 says “your enemies will be in your own household”.  My prayer is we consider our brothers and sisters, consider their sufferings. So many people day everyday without knowing Christ. Consider those people. 

Boldness requires courage to press through our fears and do what we know is right. Let’s pray that the Holy Spirit gives us all opportunities to share the beautiful gift of the Gospel.

Hawaiian Church Ministry

Prayers for a Friend

In our first couple days in Thailand, our team met Biggie. Biggie is 19 years old & about to begin college. In my first conversation with Biggie, he told me how he wants to be different from normal college students, but he felt like he didn't always have a choice but to be the same. I immediately felt a need to build on this relationship and started praying for opportunities with him. 

Over the next few days our team met with him several days in a row & have seen the Lord working in his life. He has asked lots of questions and expressed an interest in God. There is still more growth that we are hoping & praying for, but just the small opportunities have been such a big answer to prayer.

Pray for Biggie, that his heart would be open to the Gospel. Pray for the Lord to work mightily in his life & that he would come to faith.

Fun English Teachers

Saturday, June 22, 2024

VBS.... Philippine style!

One way to reach a community is to reach the younger generation. What better way to do that but with younger believers, that is just what the teens are doing. On their first day of ministry in their village, they invited all the kid they could find to come out the following day to a Vacation Bible school. 

During the VBS time, they taught kids songs and dances, played games, and did arts and crafts... but most importantly the kids heard the gospel!  

This time was great for both the kids and the teens. The kids got to see and hear the love of Jesus, and the team was able to show the love of Christ and see how rewarding that is. 

Planting Seeds Through Stories

One Wednesday, we went to an ice cream shop with the goal of building a relationship and sharing the good news of Jesus. We spent an hour talking, laughing, sharing stories, eating ice cream, and enjoying each other’s company. Then, with our goal in mind, we transitioned into an evangelism picture game that our supervisors taught us.
The game consisted of approximately 40 pictures that captured everyday moments or experiences in life. We laid out the pictures on the table and first asked the question, “What picture tells a story of your childhood?” Everyone would choose a photo from the pile and take turns explaining their answer. The process would repeat with a few more questions, finishing with “What photo tells a story about your view of who God is?” This opened up opportunities to share testimonies and explain the gospel.

And that’s exactly what we did!

The five girls were engaged in the game as we took turns sharing stories about our lives. When it came to the last question, we shared how Jesus changed our lives and how we find true happiness in Him. I also shared 3 Circles to expound on what it means to turn from sin and accept Jesus as our Lord. 

Though no one responded to the gospel, seeds was planted!

It was hard to not walk away discouraged, but we were reminded that the Spirit of God is the one who transforms hearts. We get to joyfully participate in the ministry God has given us by proclaiming the gospel, trusting that He will complete the work of making His name known among all nations. 

Please pray for the girls we spent time with. Pray they will remember the spiritual things we talked about & want to know more.

-Asia Creative Team

Samoan Summer Update

Our team with national partners
This week has been great! We have shared devotions every morning this week and been able to present the gospel through them. We’ve also had multiple gospel and testimony presentations in the various classes. A couple students have also made the decision to follow Christ! 

We have a field day tomorrow that we have put together for the entire school. Be praying that we can take advantage of the last day we have with them!

Samoan Summer

Sharing devotions with the students

Friday, June 21, 2024

Week 3: New Beginnings & Deepening Roots

Our Team has seen a few new beginnings this week as well as roots deepened. The team is visiting a new village for the next few weeks along with continuing their ministry in their current village. 

New Beginnings: The new village is just a few kilometers away and a short walk. When we got there, we saw very high walls in front of all the houses and no one’s gate was open. This community is very hard to reach due to a saturation of false religions. We were able to prayer walk and make a presence in the community, but we were not able to talk to anyone. We will continue to go back there during the next few weeks. Pray for walls to be broken down, hearts softened, and conversations to be had. 

Deepening roots: We as a team are rejoicing with heaven that we have a new believer in our village! Tati M is his name, we previously shared about Him and the bible studies we have had in his house. He was listening to a children’s bible study that his grandchildren were attending when he pulled one of our team to the side. He had many questions about the Bible that he was very excited to have someone to ask. After talking with him more we could see his eagerness and need for the gospel. We have had a few bible studies at his house and at the last one he expressed his want to be baptized. After asking him how he believed he gained salvation and him responding with the gospel of Jesus Christ we agreed that his faith was genuine and that we would baptize him.

Pray for Tati to grow and his faith to be strengthened. Also, as the village is very catholic and he grew up catholic, pray that if and when he faces persecution that could come, even from his own family, his faith will be strengthened and not diminished. 

-Philippines Summer Team A

Leading Questions

Recently, our team walked through campuses and malls conducting surveys with students. The purpose of the survey was to identify where young Thai people found happiness and to pose questions that made them think deeper about their spiritual lives. We used the questions to transition into where we found true happiness– the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus!

Split into two groups, we went out and asked students if they’d be willing to talk. We were able to complete 13 surveys and shared the gospel with four people! Julia shared the gospel with one girl who wanted to follow up and hear more. Not only that, she invited four friends to join!

Please pray for this girl who wants to learn more. Pray for us to connect her with others who can continue to meet with her.

Asia Creative Media

Thursday, June 20, 2024

His Hands in Hawaii

We have been loving it here! The people are so welcoming and kind. We’ve had about 20 Gospel conversations so far. I have the names of each of those people so we can continue to pray over them! We’ve also helped with a bunch of physical needs around Malama Christian Fellowship. Annsleigh, Lucas, and I are so grateful for this opportunity!!

Hawaiian Church Ministry Team

Open Gates

NT4Teens teams have been very blessed to see many open gates and doors in their villages. This has led many to invite us inside to talk and share the gospel or testimony. Many visits have ended in a Bible study or an appointment to have Bible study later. These studies are simple evangelistic studies that use different stories from Scripture to present the gospel and our need for the gospel. 

The teens have done a good job in praying and preparing for the Bible studies so that they can lead them. They were able to give Bibles away so that the people they had Bible study with so they can continue to read after they are gone. 

  • For more open doors for Bible study and willing heats 
  • For the teens as they prepare and lead these studies
  • For those who received the Bibles, that they would be read and understood.

Testimonies Of Faith

Some of our team with Pastor Alex and Ma'am Bing (on left)
I would be remiss not to share about the service of Ma’am Bing and her husband, Pastor Alex. As our team has gotten to know them, we have become endeared to their overflowing generosity, care and concern for others, and the way the joy of the Lord overflows from their hearts, words, actions, and smiles. 

It is hard to find someone who has not heard of them in barangay our team has been in. Their reputation is of kindness and genuine relationship with others. Their unceasing commitment to serve the Lord with all of their lives and share the gospel faithfully has inspired us in the brief time we have been privileged to be a part of their lives. 

Ma’am Bing recently shared part of her story with us recently when we were having dinner at their home:

Ma'am Bing sharing the gospel
Due to a surgery when she was younger and single, she could never have children of her own and had surrendered herself to singleness and a life on mission for her Lord and Savior. She worked as a midwife for a while, but soon no longer found purpose in working as a midwife for her own gain, even though she was helping others. She soon surrendered her heart &  life to the Lord, dedicating her life to the advancement of His kingdom. Later, she met Pastor Alex, and they were soon married. She told us that she “thanks God every day for him because he understood her situation and loved her no matter what.” 

Pastor Alex sharing his grill skills with us!
When our local IMB supervisors reached out to the them later in their lives, they both began to serve the Lord with sincere hearts for the next 13 years... and counting.. in Dumanjug, Cebu. Through the BOOST program, they have been able to share the gospel with over 1,000 BOOST graduates while teaching valuable skills to the participants. Classes have been held in 25 of the 37 barangays in Dumanjug so far.

Ma’am Bing shared that “sometimes it can be tiring to serve and not always see the result” but they choose to turn their eyes to Jesus again and again. She told us that they “never regret a moment of obedience to the Lord,” and that “the Lord always sustains them with His strength.” 

Sharing health products with the community
Though the Lord did not grant Ma’am Bing children of her own, together with Pastor Alex they adopted one girl. She has also become like a mother to an innumerable number of God’s children who look up to her as a mother because of how she shows the love of Christ to so many.

What a testament to how God can use and work in His children when they walk in obedience to Him!

Pray that...

  • Ma’am Bing and Pastor Alex will continue to be strong in the Lord and the strength of His might
  • More leaders with a heart for Christ would be raised up to help continue the work in Cebu
  • For strongholds of the enemy to break down as they strive to share the gospel, and for eyes to be opened to the truth of God’s Word instead of the Catholic traditions
Rural Healthcare

The Teens are Here!

NT4Teens has made it to the Philippines and has started ministry. The teams is here for 2 weeks to share the gospel and show the love of Jesus. They will go from house to house telling people about Jesus and inviting people to Bible study. They will also be leading kids' Bible studies and games. We are excited to see what the Lord will do through them and how this trip will impact their faith.  


  • That the teen would be able to adjust quickly to the Philippines 
  • They would be able to make connections in the villages they are working in. 
  • For the people that will hear the gospel, it will not fall on deaf ears. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wedding Day!

Recently, the Philippine Summer Teams visited a church on our island. After worshipping, praying, and sharing a meal, the pastor invited us to attend his daughter’s wedding. Having never been to a Filipino wedding before, we agreed!

This past week, all three Philippine Summer Teams converged on this wedding. We had met the bride and groom a few times but did not know them well. Nevertheless, we were welcomed as if we were family. We began in the church’s sanctuary for the ceremony before heading to the barangay’s basketball gym for the reception. In total, the wedding lasted over six hours! 

The reception began with a time of worship led by the newlyweds. Americans and Filipinos stood alongside one another declaring the goodness of God in both English and Cebuano. 

I was in awe at how prevalent the Lord was during this day. They intentionally made time to sing worship songs to the Lord during their reception and they prayed dozens of times!” 
Philippine Summer Team C
After a few speeches from the families, we enjoyed a traditional Filipino meal. The teams ate and celebrated the new couple before calling it a night and heading back to our respective barangays. 

It felt a lot more Christ centered than American weddings and that says a lot about how much a Christ centered relationship is valued here

This experience was one that our teams will remember for a long time!

Teens in the Plaza

Gospel skits
During orientation, NT4Teens learned several ways to share the gospel. In each of their areas, they held a plaza presentation. They went door-to-door throughout the day, inviting everyone to come to the plaza (center of the village), to watch a presentation of the Gospel through testimonies, drama & music. 

Sharing testimonies. 

Singing Cebuano worship songs

We had around 120 in the gym for this plaza presentation, that is 120 people who heard the gospel, maybe for the first time. Pray that for the people that heard. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Freedom In Christ

Some of our friends in the barangay!
During our time in the last barangay, our team had the opportunity to come alongside these 4 girls and disciple them very intentionally. 

They each have a hunger for the Word of God that is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before— their hearts have surely been prepared by God and the prayers of His children. They have little access to the Scripture. Through resources provided through IMB, we were able to distribute New Testaments in the local language to many who God has faithfully been working in the lives of, and have been waiting for someone to tell them the good news of the gospel.

I have never seen people receive the gospel with such excitement or receive the Word of God with such hunger and eagerness. From the moment they’ve received it, they just can’t put it down! 

Reading the Bible together
One afternoon, we sat inside with the girls and discussed topics such as forgiveness of sins, assurance of salvation, confession to God vs. to the saints, and freedom in Christ. Two of the girls had just graduated high school. Before graduation here in the Catholic dominant culture, it’s tradition to have a mass for the soon-to-be graduates. One of the girls, S, told us how ashamed she always feels because of her sins, especially after confessing to the priest. She shared how many Hail Marys the priest had told her to pray to “pay for her sins” and with desperation she looked at us and said— “but even after that, I still feel so ashamed.” We shared verses like Matthew 11:28-30, Hebrews 8:12, Romans 8:1, and others that speak to the hope in Christ. Her face fell and with a gasp she looked at us, holding up her bible, and said—“I am going to read this every single day.” 

More discipleship time!
J responded to the topic of confession to the priest by telling us that after hearing so many Bible stories and reading Scripture for herself, when it came time for the pre-graduation mass with her classmates, she had come to the conclusion that she “did not need to confess her sins to a priest! I can confess to Jesus myself” and has experienced much freedom in it as a result! She said she received many questions from her classmates when she boldly decided to not confess like everyone else was. 

What a witness this act of simple, yet bold obedience was! Praise God! 

Prayer requests: 

  • That the girls we discipled would continue to seek and find truth in God's Word, and ultimately salvation.
  • For the truth to become clear to them that Jesus Christ is the only way for salvation, and they only need forgiveness of sins through Him.


Rural Healthcare Team
