Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Thoughts from a Teen

When I first got to orientation I felt very out of place and was unsure of what I got myself into, but I stayed and now I am very glad I stayed. If I decided that going was too hard for me and I left, then I would’ve missed getting to know fifteen awesome people who now are some really close friends. 

If I didn’t go, I wouldn’t have seen God work in villages I had no clue existed. I wouldn’t have been able to see people accept Jesus and wouldn’t have been able to see two women be baptized on the beach. 

I would have missed one of my favorite moments, it was in a village after my team had gotten done early with lunch. Three little girls had been trailing us all day and had led us to a little lookout spot. We sat and sang songs and shared a Bible story with them. Safe to say even though the going was hard this trip has been worth it. I am very glad that I decided to go.
