Monday, June 3, 2024

God is good to us... always good!!

The Lord is moving in our barangay (village) and our team is honored to bear witness to it. The last week has been jam packed with ministry. We've been busy building relationships with the people of our barangay. This has included playing games with the children, basketball with the young men, and going house to house to meet people.

We have had many gospel conversations and the team has followed up those conversations with Bible studies. The Lord has been kind to us! He has used our lack to open doors to further the gospel! 

One woman, upon noticing we had no way to keep meats and foods from spoiling, brought us her personal refrigerator! The was unbelievably kind and has opened a door for us to meet with her for a Bible study in the coming days.

We are rejoicing in God's faithfulness and kindness to us! 

Continue to pray that the team will share the gospel boldly and that hearts will be soft to receive this Good News! 

Philippine Summer