Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Hard but Easy Goodbyes

Team A has spent the last 4 weeks getting to know and interact with the people in our village. We have made a lot of friends here and shared the gospel with everyone we have had the opportunity to. Our team has also learned a lot by living here, about living in Filipino culture, and from the Lord.  We have a lot of goodbyes to make but some are sweeter than others. 

One goodbye that we are sad to make is Elizabeth. She and her family have been our next-door neighbors and have been such a blessing to us. They have let us use their fridge and clothesline and have been very friendly. They are Catholic and believe that they can earn their salvation. It has been hard for us to share with the family. 

However, Elizabeth speaks very good English and has been willing to talk with us and have Bible study. She helped us plan the teen Bible studies we have been having. Elizabeth recently surrendered her life to Christ during one of our studies. We have been having discipleship studies with her, but she is facing a lot of backlash from her family for her new beliefs. We are sad to leave here but happy to say goodbye as a sister in Christ knowing we will see her again. 

Pray for Elizabeth and the other new believers in the village and for the seeds that were planted. 

- Philippine Summer Team A