Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Journal Entry: The Lord goes before us!

The spiritual warfare has been heavy today. We woke up this morning to the pressure of doing more. This put a lot of anxiety on us, but God will use every ounce of the ministry we do for His glory. We went to our second barangay for ministry today.

At our first house, we discovered that the barangay we were in wasn’t really the one we intended to be in - we were in the wrong barangay. But clearly God wanted us to come here, so we went back to visit one of the houses we visited on Tuesday. When we got arrived, we quickly found out that many locals asked them why they were entertaining us and told them to stop talking to us. They associated us with Jehovah's Witnesses because those were the last white people here. She soon shared a story with us about her grandmother. She said that her grandmother told her that one day, people would come and share the true Gospel. 

This is exactly what I had prayed for this morning- a Cornelius (from Acts chapter 10) who was awaiting our arrival. They told us they were willing to hear what we have to share. So, we shared the Gospel and gave them a Bible. All three ladies received their own Bible in their own language! She was so happy that she teared up and even said “Are you sure?”. We left this house feeling so encouraged! 


Philippine Summer