Friday, June 7, 2024

No Turning Back

Sam is a translator for Philippine Summer Team C. Sam is a local native and had a difficult upbringing. He came from a barangay that is difficult to access and even more difficult to leave. After leaving this barangay a few years back, Sam was angry, hurt, and searching. Hoping there was a purpose for the pain he had experienced, Sam searched for opportunities to be useful. The Lord used this searching to lead him to Nehemiah Teams as a translator. As God would have it, Sam was placed here with Team C. Sam has done everything with the team and would listen intently as the team would open up during team time each night. The Spirit of God was working within Sam and the vulnerability displayed by the team inspired Sam to one day share his story. So, on Sunday evening, Sam did just that. Sam shared his story with the team and immediately created a bond with them. 

This was a huge moment as the team has been praying for Sam for weeks. Sam, at this moment, was not a follower of Christ. However, this newfound closeness inspired the team to pray more fervently for Sam’s salvation. 

On Monday, two new translators arrived to help serve with Team C. These two immediately recognized Sam’s situation and after discussing with the team leader, decided to focus on sharing the gospel with Sam. On Tuesday evening, Sam yet again called the team together to share something. 

This time, it was not to share the hurt of their past, instead, it was to share of the newfound hope he had in Jesus. Sam, through the witness of the team, had understood the gospel and knew what he needed to do. When the new translators gave Sam an opportunity to give his life to Christ, Sam did not hesitate. To say that there was a celebration in our barangay would be an understatement!
Early one morning, the new translators were discussing again with Sam about what it meant to follow Jesus. They asked if Sam was still certain of his decision to follow Christ, come what may. Sam’s response has stuck with me all day. Without thinking twice Sam responded “I’ve decided this. There’s no turning back”. 

Sam counted the cost of discipleship and decided that Jesus was worth it. Not only are we rejoicing with Sam for his faith but we are also inspired by his resolve to follow Christ. 
May our response to God’s call be the same as Sam’s. 
I’ve decided this. There’s no turning back”. 
Philippine Summer