Sunday, June 23, 2024

Prayers for a Friend

In our first couple days in Thailand, our team met Biggie. Biggie is 19 years old & about to begin college. In my first conversation with Biggie, he told me how he wants to be different from normal college students, but he felt like he didn't always have a choice but to be the same. I immediately felt a need to build on this relationship and started praying for opportunities with him. 

Over the next few days our team met with him several days in a row & have seen the Lord working in his life. He has asked lots of questions and expressed an interest in God. There is still more growth that we are hoping & praying for, but just the small opportunities have been such a big answer to prayer.

Pray for Biggie, that his heart would be open to the Gospel. Pray for the Lord to work mightily in his life & that he would come to faith.

Fun English Teachers