Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Bold and Gentle in the Land of Smiles

The Asian Pacific Rim Creative Team arrived in Thailand on May 23 after a couple of long travel days - a time of preparation and prayer. We were immediately welcomed to the Land of Smiles with, like it says, many smiles. During time of adjustment to the culture, context, and language, our team has leaned into prayer and guidance from the Lord.

The language barrier is a major challenge when seeking opportunities to share the gospel.  But, the Lord has opened doors to building relationships and forming connections, so we have been learning the significance of encouraging local believers. The local church has been an incredible testament to this, as our team and the Thai students have enjoyed spending time together. With this, we have been challenged by one another. Our team has experienced the power of bold and gentle gospel presentations from the patience of the Thai believers. In addition, we have been told that we could be a potential encouragement to them through that boldness.

While at dinner one evening, our team was talking about the simplicity of asking for prayer requests, and how that could lead into an opportunity to share the gospel.  As we shared stories about praying for our waiters and waitresses back home, we had concluded that we were going to do the same right where the Lord had placed us. When it was time to pay for our meal, Taylor went to the front counter and began a conversation with the owner, asking, “Do you have any prayer requests?” His immediate answer was a joyful, “Are you all Christians?” to which we responded, “We are!” We made connections that only could have been divinely orchestrated by the Lord, including hearing his testimony of accepting Christ after students from one of our team member’s universities shared the gospel with him in 1992 in Thailand. This was yet another reminder to us that encouragement to Thai believers is impactful, and may be the exact purpose for why the Lord has led each of us here.

As we continue to go about our days, we are reminded of the Lord’s character - His overwhelming grace, constant faithfulness, and abundant love. Our purpose is to serve the Lord, boldly and gently, giving glory to the only One worthy of all praise.


Asia Creative Team