Sunday, June 23, 2024

Beautiful gift of the Gospel

Lilias Trotter said “When God delays in fulfilling our little thoughts, it is to give Himself room to work out His great ones.” Now that I’m here, I cannot imagine spending my summer any other way.

It’s so cool that in God’s big, beautiful plan, He included me- and you!! I admire having a Creator that uses anyone for His kingdom.

We’ve been given something so beautiful - the Gospel. The Lord is teaching me this it is not mine to keep, but that it’s mine to share. Paul challenges us in Acts 20:24 to consider our lives worth nothing to us, if only we may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given us, the task of testifying to the Gospel of God’s grace. 
There are so many reasons to not do something, to not go. So many people will convince us to follow fear over Christ. Matthew 10:36 says “your enemies will be in your own household”.  My prayer is we consider our brothers and sisters, consider their sufferings. So many people day everyday without knowing Christ. Consider those people. 

Boldness requires courage to press through our fears and do what we know is right. Let’s pray that the Holy Spirit gives us all opportunities to share the beautiful gift of the Gospel.

Hawaiian Church Ministry