Thursday, June 20, 2024

Testimonies Of Faith

Some of our team with Pastor Alex and Ma'am Bing (on left)
I would be remiss not to share about the service of Ma’am Bing and her husband, Pastor Alex. As our team has gotten to know them, we have become endeared to their overflowing generosity, care and concern for others, and the way the joy of the Lord overflows from their hearts, words, actions, and smiles. 

It is hard to find someone who has not heard of them in barangay our team has been in. Their reputation is of kindness and genuine relationship with others. Their unceasing commitment to serve the Lord with all of their lives and share the gospel faithfully has inspired us in the brief time we have been privileged to be a part of their lives. 

Ma’am Bing recently shared part of her story with us recently when we were having dinner at their home:

Ma'am Bing sharing the gospel
Due to a surgery when she was younger and single, she could never have children of her own and had surrendered herself to singleness and a life on mission for her Lord and Savior. She worked as a midwife for a while, but soon no longer found purpose in working as a midwife for her own gain, even though she was helping others. She soon surrendered her heart &  life to the Lord, dedicating her life to the advancement of His kingdom. Later, she met Pastor Alex, and they were soon married. She told us that she “thanks God every day for him because he understood her situation and loved her no matter what.” 

Pastor Alex sharing his grill skills with us!
When our local IMB supervisors reached out to the them later in their lives, they both began to serve the Lord with sincere hearts for the next 13 years... and counting.. in Dumanjug, Cebu. Through the BOOST program, they have been able to share the gospel with over 1,000 BOOST graduates while teaching valuable skills to the participants. Classes have been held in 25 of the 37 barangays in Dumanjug so far.

Ma’am Bing shared that “sometimes it can be tiring to serve and not always see the result” but they choose to turn their eyes to Jesus again and again. She told us that they “never regret a moment of obedience to the Lord,” and that “the Lord always sustains them with His strength.” 

Sharing health products with the community
Though the Lord did not grant Ma’am Bing children of her own, together with Pastor Alex they adopted one girl. She has also become like a mother to an innumerable number of God’s children who look up to her as a mother because of how she shows the love of Christ to so many.

What a testament to how God can use and work in His children when they walk in obedience to Him!

Pray that...

  • Ma’am Bing and Pastor Alex will continue to be strong in the Lord and the strength of His might
  • More leaders with a heart for Christ would be raised up to help continue the work in Cebu
  • For strongholds of the enemy to break down as they strive to share the gospel, and for eyes to be opened to the truth of God’s Word instead of the Catholic traditions
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