Friday, June 21, 2024

Week 3: New Beginnings & Deepening Roots

Our Team has seen a few new beginnings this week as well as roots deepened. The team is visiting a new village for the next few weeks along with continuing their ministry in their current village. 

New Beginnings: The new village is just a few kilometers away and a short walk. When we got there, we saw very high walls in front of all the houses and no one’s gate was open. This community is very hard to reach due to a saturation of false religions. We were able to prayer walk and make a presence in the community, but we were not able to talk to anyone. We will continue to go back there during the next few weeks. Pray for walls to be broken down, hearts softened, and conversations to be had. 

Deepening roots: We as a team are rejoicing with heaven that we have a new believer in our village! Tati M is his name, we previously shared about Him and the bible studies we have had in his house. He was listening to a children’s bible study that his grandchildren were attending when he pulled one of our team to the side. He had many questions about the Bible that he was very excited to have someone to ask. After talking with him more we could see his eagerness and need for the gospel. We have had a few bible studies at his house and at the last one he expressed his want to be baptized. After asking him how he believed he gained salvation and him responding with the gospel of Jesus Christ we agreed that his faith was genuine and that we would baptize him.

Pray for Tati to grow and his faith to be strengthened. Also, as the village is very catholic and he grew up catholic, pray that if and when he faces persecution that could come, even from his own family, his faith will be strengthened and not diminished. 

-Philippines Summer Team A