Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Journal Entry: Born Again!

On the first day of ministry, our ministry team met a lady that welcomed us to sit on her deck with her. We shared our testimonies and the love that God had for her. She seemed to relate to both of our stories, but she still did not understand what it looked like to be saved by faith alone. Gage asked that if she were to die, did she know if she was going to heaven? 

She was very responsive to our testimonies and agreed with everything we said. But when Gage asked her that question, her response made it clear that she did not yet know what true saving grace was. 

She told us that she thinks she will go to heaven if she does enough good things and is kind to enough people. She seemed eager to learn more so we shared with her what the Bible tells us about salvation. 

By the time we were done, you could tell the Lord was moving in her heart. She asked our national team mate how she could experience this free gift we were talking about. We asked her if we could come back again and talk to her more about the how and she was willing. Her confusion and questions about what it meant to give your life to Christ reminded me of Nicodemus and Jesus. 

When we came back, we shared the story of Nicodemus and how he too was confused about what it meant to be born again. You could tell that, just like Nicodemus, she was eager to understand the truth. 

We shared more about what it meant to be born again. When Gage would talk, I would be praying that her heart would understand. I shared how when I was younger, I knew the religion and the stories, but I didn’t realize until later that I didn’t have a true relationship with Jesus. Then, I told her what I did to have a relationship with Him. 

When Kuya Roy was translating, I could tell in her eyes she was understanding. She then told us that this is what she wanted. She wants to be born again! We helped lead her through a prayer of placing her faith in Jesus. It was so sweet seeing how emotional she became once she realized that she was now saved by faith! Now, 5/30/2024 is her second birthday! Praise God!


The Holy Spirit is softening hearts here in this barangay! Please join us in praying that the Spirit would continue to draw people to Christ!



Philippine Summer