Thursday, June 13, 2024

Reaching the Teens: Week 2

Bible Study at a Local Store
Our team has seen prayers answered in our village. The people have welcomed us into their homes for Bible studies and gospel conversations. The community has been very friendly in giving us vegetables from their garden & letting us use their refrigerator. In addition from going house to house sharing the gospel and regular Bible studies at some houses, and even in a local store, we have had the opportunity to have Bible studies with the young people of the village. 

As soon as we arrived in this village, we were able to make multiple connections with teens who come to the barangay courts to play basketball. Many of them are between the ages of 16 and 19. After our first week, we began planning Bible studies and inviting them to join us. We have since been able to conduct 3 teen Bible studies. The first one included 4 teens and one young adult. They asked lots of questions and it lasted for about 2 hours. The following Bible study consisted of 25-30 teens. They listened and asked lots of questions about God and scripture. We were able to speak with them for 3 hours. We invited them to come back the next day, but many of them had plans. In the most recent Bible study we hosted there were around 7 teens, and we were able to talk to them for about an hour and a half and answer many questions. They seem very eager to learn and know more, so we hope we will be able to conduct many more and invite them to join us."

First teen bible study 

Philippine Summer Team A

Little kids listening at the window

Prayer requests:
• We are visiting a new village this week and pray that we can make connections there.
• Good health for the team.
• We have a new believer in our village, pray as he may face persecution from his family.